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We asked Beeflip 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Greetings warriors of Calradia. If you don't already know who I am, I am Beeflip. Before delving into the questions I want to preface this by saying all of it was written from my phone on a beach so please excuse any typos, brevity, and syntax errors.
I'm a DoF boy through and through from the great state of New York. In my early twenties and getting older by the day, I find myself spending the majority of my time fishing and hiking, or on Bannerlord when sunlight doesn't permit the latter. When it comes to games, especially multiplayer games, I'm a filthy min/maxer always trying to play at the highest caliber possible, from mythic raiding in WoW, to a top 10 player in Brawlhalla. With that mindset carried over to Bannerlord, it seems to have brought some success and I'm excited to see how far it can go. Outside of Bannerlord and with my new found employment, I find myself descending into boomerdom and going to bed by 11 so the days of late night gaming are coming to a close. I'd think I'm fairly easy going and open to most questions so if something you're curious about isn't covered here, hit me up.
Favorite Quotes/Lines:
"The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say" - J R R Tolkien
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau
1. How and why did you join DoF? I was an avid member of the NA WFaS community. During that time I got really close with Alejandro, Squeaks, Argon, Bubs, Kid etc. talking to them almost everyday in TeamSpeak. After a brief hiatus, I came back and everyone was playing Warband. Not wanting to be left out I joined them and DoF along with it. Haven't looked back since.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Currently, my favorite moment is on going. The revival of the DoF NA community. After a successful NABB run, and meeting a lot of cool people along the way, the NA scene is better than ever and I couldn't be happier. Other notable moments include: all the CS:GO games with Kohath, Tom and Ale, general EU/NA banter, and Warzone.
3. Favorite book? The Lord of the Rings trilogy for sure, even going so far as to read the Children of Huron and the Simarilion too. I played a ton of LOTRO when I was younger and was always a fan of the universe.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Favorite movie (aside from LotR that's a given) would have to be Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Step Brothers. Favorite TV shows would be South Park, Clannad, Avatar the Last Airbender, and the Sopranos.
5. Favorite music? Currently Khurangbin is my favorite band, I was very into Vulfpeck for the past few years as well. I've also been listening to a lot of Country and Metallica recently. Honestly, I love all music and have yet to find songs I genuinely hate.
6. Favorite food and drink? Favorite food would be sushi and favorite drink would be margaritas. Put them together and that's a fun afternoon.
7. Favorite color? Favorite color is blue, favorite two colors together though is white and red. I guess the yellow and green is growing on me though :)
8. Favorite time of the year? Summer for the fishing, winter for everything else. Winter hikes/Shoeshoeing, Skiing, fires and blankets, Christmas, etc. It has it all.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams?
I'm a huge hockey fan, I love the New York Rangers, but I can appreciate most teams. Baseball is slowly growing on me too as I become an old man.
10. Do you have any pets? Not yet, but there's a puppy on the way in a month.
11. Place you would love to travel to? Would love to go to New Zealand and get some hiking and snorkeling in.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Jacques Cousteau, love me some ocean conservation.
13. Favorite games? Lord of the Rings Online, Kingdom Hearts I and II, Bloodborne, Brawlhalla, WFaS, and WoW as a guilty pleasure
14. Describe your playing style? Uhhh I would use more colorful language than whats allowed here, but I'd like to say play with your head on a swivel and don't half ass it.
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Was always an archer main, but towards the end of version 1.4 I was leaning towards inf and now with version 1.5 I'm a full inf player. But I really try to flex into whatever role is needed, I'd like to think i can play all 3 at a high level.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Beeflip
16. Surreal is curious What about WFAS (With Fire and Sword M&B: Warband expansion) made you love it more then native Warband? For most people it was the other way around.
It is hard to put into words. I started playing Mount and Blade with the Warband single player and put hundreds of hours into that. I bought WFaS to play the single player as well and found myself curious about multiplayer. I saw there was a fairly populated battle server, The Battle of Bastards, and would stop by regularly. I was terrible. Back then I still played under the IGN Sickcat so no one really remember just how bad I was. After a few more weeks of playing I got the fundamentals down and started the train with The Last Mohawkian when I saw him on. Once I got good I saw the meme potential that WFaS had. Stacking up on 3 pistols and whipping people over the back of the head with them is a feeling that can't be created in Warband mp. Then there was pike spamming, spear spamming, muskets on roof tops, hiding in hay bales. There was just so much nonsense that made the game genuinely fun. I also loved that since it wasn't a popular game, you really got to know each and every person which made it a very social game. There's a lot the makes me love WFaS over Warband, but its all just the memes.
17. Erminas asking: What's your favorite family tradition? There's a lot of fishermen in my family so ever since I was a kid there's been family boat trips for fluke and scup off Long Island. Still do it to this day.
18. Snick is wondering Do you support the thinkings of Lenin? Eleborate...
My knowledge of history, let alone foreign history and policy, is so meager that it is embarrassing. I honestly barely know who Lenin is.
19. Erminas would like to know Where do you see DoF's NA side going after the successful run in the NABB tourney? Just like AAPL, its going nowhere but up. Our NABB run brought in a lot of cool personalities and friends into DoF who I can see sticking around for years to come. I'm excited to see 8v8 battle mode so we can use our skillful roster to its fullest. I'm sure PW/PK will have some good memes. Nord Invasion nights even. You name it, i'm excited about it. Towards the end of Warband there were many nights where it was just Me Ale and Squeaks sitting in TS doing nothing. Now with a headcount and some motivation I'm nothing but excited to see how things go on NA.
20. Billadinn's question: Why are u called Beeflip? So when I was a kid I used to play under Sickcat70, it was my dads IGN. I also used to play a lot of Dark Age of Camelot with my dad (I was like 4 or 5), who was very into it. In my dads guild there was this older guy who's name was Beeflip and I really liked how it was Bee/Flip Beef/Lip sooooooo I kinda stole the name from him when I made my Xbox360 account.
And now the round of quick Bonus questions:
1. Jukebox: "Beeflip...why u bad ?" I really hate losing :'(
2. Sloppy: "Why am I playing fall guys while she is falling for another guy?" The other guy is probably playing fall guys too, its a vicious cycle.
3. Surreal: "What happened to your saturated shirt?" Straight in the washing machine. I'm wearing it right now actually.
4. Krex: "Is it Bee Flip or Beef Lip?" While I love the name for its ambiguity, nowadays I'm leaning more towards Bee flip seeing as I owned an apiary. Also the real ones know that years ago my profile picture was a bee doing flips:p
Second edition of the new season and we are back on the track when it comes to quality articles!
Thanks to Beeflip for joining us today.
Also special shoutout should be going his way for huge role in revival of our NA side!
Thank you for reading this week's blog, next week we will have our new-ish member Paul joining us here for an interview!
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