Welcome to the Special edition of our Meet the Member Monday blog.
In this special edition we are meeting Cek, the member of Kingdom of Vlandia [KoV] clan.
Cek has been playing with us in numerous events and since he is as close as an officially non DoF member can get into our ranks, it only felt natural that he is featured in our blog as well.
So lets get to know him bit better.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members, our friends and DoF better.

We asked Cek 15 standard questions from our slightly adjusted
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello, my name is Luca, mostly know as Cek in online games. I come from the North-East part of Italy (close to Venice) and I work as web developer.
Favorite Quotes/Lines: "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." ― Marcus Aurelius , Meditations
1. How and why did you start playing with DoF? I started playing with DoF (Discord say 22/03/22) when PaulVMax invited my clan (KoV) to play some casual inner skirmish match. After he joined us on one BEAST tournament DoF decide to not partecipate in. My clan didn't like skirmish mode very much but I decide to try and join DoF for the next tournament as they were forming a new team and they seemed all nice people to hang out with.
2. Favorite moment(s) while playing with DoF? I would say the inner clan skirmish matches, I like this type of casual events where you can just hangout and have some fun :)
3. Favorite book? I didn't read any book recently, but I still have a fond memory of one I read as a kid called Legion of the Occult by Roberto Genovesi
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Difficult question, as there are few of them I would pick.
Some are: "Kingdom of Heaven", "LotR", "Bravehearth".
If I have to say a characteristic I would like to see in a movie or tv series to like it is to be a medieval or fantasy setting and show big battles.
5. Favorite music? I don't have a specific type of music I like over the rest. I pretty much listen to anything, but if I had to choose a favourite band that probably will be the Italian band Negrita.
6. Favorite food and drink? In Italy we have so many good dishes that is quite difficult to choose one over another. My favorite is probably a dessert called "Tiramisú" that originate in my birthplace city, and is quite famous around the world.
About the drink I'm not a very heavy drinker as I dislike wine and beer, so I would probably say sparkling water or other carbonated drinks.
7. Favorite color? Dark red.
8. Favorite time of the year? Winter, I really dislike the heat, and recently only in winter you can get a nice cold temperature here in Italy.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? Not a very big fan of sports in general. I prefer playing them over watching other playing, but if I have to choose something probably the football club Milan a.c is my favorite team.
10. Do you have any pets? Not at the moment, being away from home most of the day for work, I would feel bad for the pet to be alone most of the time.
11. Place you would love to travel to? Japan, it is one of the place I would like to go at least one time in my life.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Gaio Giulio Cesare.
13. Favorite games? I'm a fan of RTS and TBS games in general, for example the Total War series or Paradox grand strategy games, but if we go by time spent on it Bannerlord seems the first one.
14. Describe your playing style? Trying to survive another round I guess.
15. What is your main class in Bannerlord? Currently infantry. Ranged classes are my favourite, but unfortunatly I'm really bad at it in Bannerlord :P
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Cek
16. Erminas asking: Cek, what is the difference (daily routines, traditions, habits, etc...) between region you live in and the rest of Italia? Well maybe there a little bit too many to list, as mostly every region of Italy have its own traditions and habit that are quite different from the rest. Maybe the most prominent one is the Italian dialect that is quite different between even neighboring counties.
17. Messius is wondering Why the name Cek and why aren't you Czech? The nickname came from my surname "Ceccon". I got it in high school and I like it so I keep using it on online games and communities, but the most annoying part is when you find people that pronunce it as "Sex".
As to why I'm not Czech, who knows, maybe I was in a past life.
18. Tom would like to know What is the most annoying stereotype about Italy for you? That people think we talk in english like Super Mario.
19. Erminas is curious If you could only eat one type of meal forever which one would it be?
I would go for the italian cliché and say Pizza
20. History question by Messius: What is your favourite / most interesting historical period of your country and why?
The mainstream one would probably be the Roman Empire, but I personally like more the high medieval era, when most part of Italy was divided into Duchies and Counties. I think that time influenced our current culture quite a lot, still now there are some rivalry between old enemy Counties, and a lot of building of that time are still visible. For example my birthplace Treviso have most of its city wall still intact.
And now few more bonus questions our Dear Messius had for our guest:
How do you feel about other countries adopting Italian food and adapting it to suit themselves (like pizza Hawaii from Canada)?
If they keep it for themself and don't go around saying it is "Italian" food, I'm fine with it, we all have different taste.
What is your view on current Italian politics?
I have to say that right now I don't really know to which political party I would give me vote. Every single one have big promise during elections, but in the end they are all the same.
About the current one I feared they would have push a more far-right, but it seems they are more careful on their politics than what they have shown in the election campaign
And thats a wrap. Thank you all for joining us in this special edition of our blog where we got to chat with our dear friend fom KoV clan. If you are into Bannerlord's captain game mode be sure to Cek (get it? check? Cek?) them out. And with that "hilarious" joke we are ending another edition of our MMM blog. Stay classy :)
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