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Meet the Member Monday - Svoboda

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to 46th edition of our blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Svoboda 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hello my name is Svoboda also known as BBoySnakeDogG or OGFuzzyPopG in my prime CSGO and PUBG days. I am currently 25 years of age and I have spent most of my life gaming. I am from eastern Croatia (The not so popular side or not the sea side part). I am an enginnering technician and I currently work for a sister company of Mercedes Benz. My current hobbies are (other than gaming) guitar playing, photography, car tinkering, football, reading history books and just chilling with friends with couple of beers.

Favorite Quotes/Lines: History is the best guide to the future.

1. How and why did you join DoF? I've heard of DoF way back in 2014 when I joined or when I started playing Warband on Mercenaries mod. I heard there were couple of Balkan boys there but I never really did pay much attention to it until late 2021 where I was deciding on leaving my old clan and was potentially looking to join a new one. Then I remembered that Ganni was part of DoF and I decided to contact him and ask him if they were still doing Warband/Bannerlord competitive scene and thats pretty much why and how I joined DoF. For the competitive plays and just to have fun i'd say.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Well any moment where Ganni does some stupid s... is my favourite. Oh and also "This aint Warband bro".

3. Favorite book? Bah I cant really point a finger on a book and say which one is my favourite. Curretly I am reading trough Metro Series books and they are amazing. But overall i'd have to say "The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck" by Mark Manson would be on top.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Suprisingly I am not a big fan of movies and/or series. I rarely watch movies or series. I think last series I watched was "The Sopranos" like 2 years ago i'd say. Other than that "Vikings" was something I watched and "Sons of Anarchy". As for movie i'd have to say probably Pulp Fiction is my favourite.

5. Favorite music? This one is a tough one. I am a really big fan of music and music has been very influential in my life. I listen to music on almost daily basis. Whatever I do I gotta have music with me or I can't function it's simple as that. Now as for favourite music I pretty much like all types of music except dubstep and all that shenanigans with wub wub sound. I enjoy a good lyrics with some nice rythm and i'd prolly say out of all the music I am listening to right now prolly ex-YU rock is the one I listen to most. Second in place is probably standard pop/punk rock music.

6. Favorite food and drink? For this one if you asked me this 7 months ago i'd say coffee but now I have to say probably water. I dont really have a favourite drink. Well I guess beer can be one idk. As for food I like pretty much all types of food. Well except sea food. But my favourite would prolly be like lasagne. I can eat that any day every day.

7. Favorite color? Green.

8. Favorite time of the year? Since I do photography on this one I do appriciate a nice spring and nice autumn since those are nice times to take nature photos. But I gotta say summer. Winter is a no no. I hate cold and being cold.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I am more of a sports fan than esports fan. I did for some time follow CSGO esports but not so much as of lately. Now in sports I follow football, F1 and NBA sometimes. In Football my favourite team would be Dinamo Zagreb (ha ha Ganni) mostly for the reason I've been a member of Dinamo since I was a kid. I think I still have membership card somewhere so I just stuck with them. As for F1 I've been following it ever since I know of myself. I just like racing and adrenaline rush and all that stuff.

As for NBA I watch it here and there I wouldnt say I am a big fan of it but on occasion I do watch some games.

10. Do you have any pets? Yes I do I have a small Pomeranian dog that's 2 years old.

11. Place you would love to travel to? Anywhere. Only this year I've been in 7 different countries.

I love to travel with friends and the whole spontanious quick plan-making stuff. We can literally organize a trip in two days to some random country and thats what I love about it.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Another hard question. I dont have a favourite history person but if I had to choose one i'd prolly say maybe Dmitar Zvonimir or Petar Subic Zrinski.

13. Favorite games? Has to be Kingdom Come Deliverance. Absolutely best game IMO. Very immersive and enjoyable game. STALKER, Mafia and Metro games are on top as well.

14. Describe your playing style? I think everyone knows it already. Pretty agressive and reckless i'd say.

15. What is your main class in Bannerlord? Cavalry.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Svoboda


16. Messius is wondering What is the view of Czechs in your country and what is famous from the Czech Republic (besides beer)? Croatians mostly see Czechs as "Pale white dudes with socks on knee high with sandals eating salami on a beach." And other than beer i'd say Skoda is famous and probably Prague as a city. Many Croatian school trips end up in Prague.

17. Messius asking: What is your favourite / most interesting historical period of your country and why? I'd probably say our Kingdom period prolly because I like that period overall in history.

18. Cek is curious if There is any place that you think are a must see while visiting Croatia?

A must visit place in Croatia I think everyone says any seaside city is a must visit. They are mostly filled with history. But what I would say is go for cities like Varazdin and Zagreb. Hell, even Osijek is a nice 1-2 day trip to visit.

19. KSHMR would like to know: Svoboda, what does the perfect sexy girl look like according to you? I'd probably have to say my GF is perfect hahah. Any girl that has brain is good enough for me.

20. Car related question by Tom: Since i understand you're familiar with cars, would you reccommend any particular brand or model? Well thats a deep one. It all depends on what type of car you want and for what use. For example lets say that you just got your drivings licence obviously you wont go for a caravan or a SUV you would want to go for something small like a Hyundai or a Golf or maybe even a SEAT. Before you even remotely look for a car you need to set some ground rules. Are you going to use the car for home-to-work or will you be using it more? Do you want more space or is power what you are looking for? If you got some issues or other in depth questions feel free to message me I will help as much as I can. But one thing i'd say for sure is I wouldnt buy anything that's under 2.0 motor. I just think it's junk. Unless its a idk 90kW engine like a Hyundai i10 or Mitsubishi Colt type of a car then engine size doesnt matter.

And now few more bonus questions for Svoboda.

We kick off with two additional questions by Messius!

First by Messius: Do you follow any combat sports and who is your favorite fighter? I did follow UFC back in the day and I followed Alexander Gustaffson for a bit but that was like 8-9 years ago when I was in High School.

Second by Messius: What's your opinion of Škoda? My opinion on Škoda is well it's a good reliable car and they do last for long from my knowledge

Question by Sid: Favourite Croatian football team? I think I already answered this in previous question, but oh well. Its Dinamo Zagreb.

Question By Cek: Who is better between you and Ganni? And why is it Ganni? Ganni wishes he was as good as me. Perp (Ganni's brother) told me he even talks in his dreams about it.

Question by KSHMR: Svoboda, how often do you drink alcohol and what do you drink then?

I do not drink that often. Mostly on saturday with friends and I mostly drink beer and sometimes a shot or two of Rakija.


MMM Blog is back!

Big Thanks to Svoboda for joining us in this edition and for kinda kick (re)starting the MMM blog.

I hope you have enjoyed Svobi's interview. The positive Balkan presence in DoF is growing!

At least few more blog editions will be published in weeks to come, so stay tuned!


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