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Meet the Member Monday - KSHMR

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to 45th edition of our blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Kashmere 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


General introduction of who I am:

25 year old who graduated international business last year, I now work as an account manager for an international wholesaler. My great passion in life is powerlifting, I spend many hours every week in the gym. I love going to parties, for example Techno/Tech house music parties.

Favorite Quotes/Lines: Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.

1. How and why did you join DoF? I joined DoF after I played with the first team a couple of times. What I have been experiencing as really nice is the overall atmosphere and attitude. I really like how we are able to take criticism and compliments from each other, and I think that is essential to progressing as a team. I always experienced precisely that as the restraining factor in previous years in different clans.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? My favorite moment in DoF so far has been the feedback moment of White Noise that I attended. I really enjoy seeing people take time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Another great moment was when we played internals on Saturday evening and ended with fall guys, lots of fun!

3. Favorite book? I don't read much, and if I do start a book I never really finish it. I much rather listen to a podcast. My favorite podcast is Español Automático which is basically a Spanish podcast where the hosts talk about anything, ranging from national events in Spain as well as tips and tricks to get better at the language. I really recommend this to anyone of my friends learning Spanish.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? My favorite TV show is Vikings, which I have watched a couple of times. I find especially the first three seasons really good, the other ones are slightly less interesting though in my opinion.

As for movie/documentary, my favorite documentary is The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman. This is a documentary about a man whose wife suicided by jumping off a massive building at mid-life age. He was left with the children, a lot of grief and sadness. He started going into the cold water as a means of feeling alive, feeling pain and discomfort, and through this method, he went to the extreme and now holds numerous worlds records.

5. Favorite music? In every day life I listen to hiphop, deephouse, tech house, techno and house music. I also like to keep track of the top 50 in Germany and Turkey. Especially the German rap scene attracts me.

6. Favorite food and drink? Favorite food is freshly made soup with vegetables, such as pumpkin, tomato to name a few. The best drink is Fanta Lemon (Spanish Fanta drink).

7. Favorite color? Aquamarine.

8. Favorite time of the year? I like the cold of the winter, I take cold plunges in the lakes/sea with friends but I don't like the grey weather where it is cloudy and rainy all the time. Summer is great, because I also love warm weather. Because I do not own a car I rely on a bike for transport, so rain sucks big time..

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams?

I follow League of Legends e-sports and enjoy seeing competitive players pull of insane plays.

10. Do you have any pets? No pets, I do not have time to properly take care of a dog so I will not get one. Although I would, if I did not work a job full-time.

11. Place you would love to travel to? South America, I would love to go sightseeing and experience culture amongst locals.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Napoleon

13. Favorite games? Bannerlord, and League of Legends.

14. Describe your playing style? I like an adaptive play-style. Generally speaking I prefer defensive play rather than aggressive, though.

15. What is your main class in Bannerlord? Infantry.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for KSHMR


16. Sid's question: We been playing Bannerlord together for quite some time now under different teams we had ups and downs, but still nothing but fun, so what`s your top three favorite Bannerlord moments?

One of my favorite moments is DR_Duel when I started a first to 7 with DR Sunny. I know he carried DR when playing against us but now I got to see the real skill in one on one. I lost the first two sets because of getting spammed and then I changed my playstyle because really I felt as if I was losing to a very easily anticipated playstyle that could easily be countered by immediately slashing back. Now Sunny know there was no more spamming me and I easily won three duels in a row. Then, the big moment happened, Sunny left the server XD.

17. Messius is wondering Does the Netherlands have a famous warrior (I mean one who has shown combat qualities himself, not strategy and leadership in battle) ?

Grutte Pier, a freedom fighter who fought for independence of Frisia.

18. Erminas is curious What is frikendal (I call it freakin' dale:p) and why is it popular in the Netherlands?

It tastes good and is cheap. Me and my colleagues go and buy an XXL version, 30cm frikandel one time every month :)

19. Tom would like to know What animal would describe your personality the best?

A lion. I take great pride in my family and friends and would protect them at all costs. I also have great distaste for ineffective leadership and will not be afraid to challenge the status quo.

20. Messius asking What do you consider to be your nation's most important historical moment?

The liberation of German occupation in the 2nd world war.

And now two bonus questions for KSHMR.

By Erminas: Clogs! How many pairs of them you have and do you like/hate them?

I have one pair of clogs and love them because they are practical. I am a practical person who prefers having practical clothes more than beautiful clothes. If you wear them with socks they are really nice fit.

By Krex: In your opinion What animal would describe Toms personality best? Tomzipan most resembles an elephant.


Thanks to KSHMR for answering our questions. Hope you guys got to know him little bit better.

We are lucky to have You among our ranks and lets hope You found Yourself a Home in DoF!

I am quite pleased that we were able to add few more editions to our blog, but for now we will take a little rest and hopefully we can return with more editions in the Autumn/Winter.

Till next time, stay safe, healthy and classy in every possible DoF Way ;)


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