Welcome to 47th edition of our blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Slaybot 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello my name is Arkadiusz, Arek in short. I am known in world of Mount&Blade as Slaybot.
I live in small village in north western Poland. I am working in Security.
Favorite Quotes/Lines: History is the best guide to the future.
1. How and why did you join DoF? I knew DoF for long time, we often played friendly matches against DoF when I was in CCC clan. In September 2022 I have decided to join DoF to play Bannerlord.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? My favorite moment is when we played CS:GO when Me and Paul were shooting at eachother for quite few seconds and could not hit target at all, it was as we shoot blanks. Hilarious moment.
3. Favorite book? I don't read much, mainly read books about history but started also to read some fiction. I dont have favorite book yet. I can recommend you "Fall of Roman Empire" by Peter Heather. Also started to read Witcher series recently and it's really great.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I like everything sci-fi themed. My favorite series are "Stargate SG1".
5. Favorite music? Mostly listen to Drum and Bass/Jungle .But I like songs from almost every genre.
6. Favorite food and drink? I am meateater so I like every dish with meat or fish. I drink mostly water sometimes milk or tomato juice.
7. Favorite color? My favorite color is blue but I also like black.
8. Favorite time of the year? Summer is best time of the year.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I dont like e-sports, games should be played for fun not for money. My favorite sport is Football and I support local team Pogoń Szczecin.
10. Do you have any pets? I am dog person, but curently I dont have any pets.
11. Place you would love to travel to? Roswell, New Mexico.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Mahatma Gandhi.
13. Favorite games? Mount&Blade: Warband, Europa Universalis, Football Manager, Crusader Kings.
14. Describe your playing style? I prefer aggressive playstyle.
15. What is your main class in Bannerlord? I love melee combat so I am infantry.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Slaybot
16. Svoboda is wondering Why the name Slaybot and what's the story behind it? Many players used nicknames like destroyer or crusher but I sucked at the game back the so I thought that I should have more humble nickname so I came up with slayed bot, shortened it a bit to slaybot and added noob at beggining so I was Noob_Slaybot. Droped noob part when joined first clan.
17. Erminas would like to know What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it?
My first job was at kitchen in holiday resort. I was happy that I have job, no dislikes.
18. Gaming question by Tom: If you could get rid of any genre of game, which would you yeet?
I would get rid of horror themed games. Don't like this also in books and movies.
19. And now a music one by KSHMR: Favorite song of this year? My favorite songs this year are: Supacat Police by Mooqee
We want your soul by Freeland
All the way up by Deekline
They are not new, but I listen them often this year.
20. Messius is curious: Can you suggest some interesting places in your country that are not well known to tourists? There are many interesting places in Wolin Island where I live.
"Underground city" shelter complex from WW2 near Świnoujście, V3 launching site near Międzyzdroje, Gerhard Fort from XIX century made by Prussians, Turquoise Lake the amazing green color lake in former chalk mine site, Bison Show Farm, Open-air museum of Slavs and Vikings in Wolin.
And now few more bonus questions for Slaybot.
It's becoming a tradition now, so lets kick off once again with few more questions by Messius!
First by Messius: What is your favourite / most interesting historical period of your country and why? My favorite period of Polish history was time of commonwealth of both nations. I think it was most intresting period and very dynamic once we were great power then cease to exist.
Second by Messius: If you could pick any world (fantasy, sci-fi, etc.) to visit what would it be and possibly who would you want to meet (historical, fictional, alive) character.
I would go fishing with Jack O'Neill from Stargate.
Slaybot decided to answer questions by Sid And KSHMR together. Questions were:
When will we finally see you Slaying players on Bannerlord actively? - Sid
When will you come back to play with us? - KSHMR
One answer for Sid and KSHMR: Well most players at this point have 3k+ hours in this game and I have only 200 hours there is skill gap that discourages me to play. I am too weak to play competitive also dont have time for tournaments, hopefully I will join soon some interclan scrims or other games.
Back to back weekly editions! Didn't have them in quite some time.
It was a pleasure to host Slaybot in this edition of blog. Nice person, nice blog.
What more can one ask for? Well actually maybe one can ask and hope you do return to playing games actively with us:p
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