Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
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We asked Berta 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello everyone! My name is Kacper, and I am a 20+ years old white male, born and raised in a poor land in Eastern Europe - Poland. After being old enough to leave the country, I have migrated to study Computer Science in the UK, and I am currently in the penultimate year of studies doing a placement year with a software company. Programming is my greatest passion – I have been coding since I was about 13 years old, and plan to carry on pretty much forever, both as a hobby and a profession. I am also (obviously) a big fan of video games, especially RPG and exploration-oriented (open world) genres. Apart from computers, my other big passion is music - I can play a reasonable number of instruments (most of them pretty horribly though), with my main one being a classical guitar. I hope in the future I will have the time and the resources to learn the piano properly.
Favorite Quote/Line: "There are no children, there are people" – Janusz Korczak
1. How and why did you join DoF? I was mercing a lot after leaving Wolfpack and played with DoF very often. It was always a lot of fun and I genuinely enjoyed playing with everyone, so I thought it would be great if they allowed me to join. I asked Reggie/Eigengrau about it and he pretty much recruited me while bypassing the entire recruitment process. I still haven’t filled in an application form…
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? I have thoroughly enjoyed my every moment while playing with DoF - it is very hard to pinpoint a favourite one. However, there is one specific event DoF has organised before, and I believe it deserves an honourable mention here. JAVBY! One of the best game modes I have played in Warband! It managed to get the entire community together while leaving the hardcore competitiveness behind, just to have some fun throwing javelins around.
3. Favorite book? I have read a lot of books when I was younger, so rather than mentioning a favourite one, I have decided to list two authors worth mentioning. The first one would be Stanisław Lem, a Polish writer who created a fantastic sci-fi universe with intergalactic travels (e.g. Fables for Robots), whereas the other one would be Ursula K. Le Guin, the creator of Earthsea series, which are full of wizardry and magic.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I don’t watch any TV shows so I will have to skip that part, but I will list a number of movies and series instead. The best movie of all time for me would definitely be “Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra” – a brilliant comix-based comedy set in the world of ancient Egypt. Some other movies I have enjoyed would be Monthy Python: Holy Grail, Interstellar or Princess Mononoke. Apart from that, I have watched a vast number of anime, and I believe the Mononoke series about exorcisms deserve a first place for its uniqueness in both the story and the animation. From more mainstream ones, Haikyuu!!, a series about volleyball, was one of my favourite shows to relax.
5. Favorite music? Asking a musician for their favourite music genres is one of the hardest questions you can possibly ask.
Therefore, brace yourselves, for I shall provide a lot of titles I love! To begin with, I am a huge fan of orchestral music in any form, whether it is from video games, movies, or some other sources. For me, the best pieces of all time are associated with my personal taste in games or film industry, so I simply must mention Morrowind’s main theme – Call of Magic. A very gentle combination of a string ensemble, percussion, and wind instruments, following a simple, but a very well known The Elder Scrolls motive. Another brilliant piece of art worth mentioning is the music from Ori and the Blind Forest, each theme being perfectly matched to the associated situation. Other game pieces I would consider fantastic are Vista Point from Gothic III, Assassins Creed III main theme, Priscillas Song from the Witcher III (The Wolven Storm) and the main theme from Baldur’s Gate II. Regarding movie music, rather than just mentioning specific pieces, I would like to shout out the brilliance of a few composers. Firstly, the German mastermind behind the music from Interstellar, Pirates of the Caribbean or The Lion King – Hans Zimmer, featuring a huge number of amazing movie scores. The next composer, and a winner of 25 Grammy Awards, John Williams – who have managed to put the spirit into creations such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Harry Potter. And finally, least but not last, Mamoru Fujisawa, professionally known as Joe Hisaishi – the musical director behind Ghibli Studio’s productions, and a genius in his area. As a bonus, I would also like to mention Ennio Morricone, because despite me not watching many movies with his compositions, I still know a lot of his music by heart. He has crafted a few of the most influential tunes in the entire history of music, for example, scores for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Of course, I wouldn’t be myself if I haven’t mentioned some classical pieces. However, I have already taken a massive amount of space with this paragraph, so I will just mention the pieces. Here we go! Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich, Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement by Beethoven, El Maestro by Fernando Sor, Waltz Op. 19 by Chopin, In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edward Grieg, Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms, Asturias (Leyenda) by Isaac Albeniz, and Capricho árabe by Francisco Tárrega. And many more! :D
6. Favorite food and drink? I don’t actually have that much preference to what I eat or drink, as long as it’s vegetarian and at least somewhat healthy (maybe apart from sweets – I have a sweet tooth). I do have favourite ice cream though, and that is cream ice cream, only prepared and sold by GoodLood in Poland. I always take 2 or 3 servings every time! I am also a connoisseur of Asian tea. I have white tea, black tea, and green tea from different regions always at hand, with my favourite one being the Japanese Sencha Kagoshima.
7. Favorite color? Favorite color? No preference. I guess… rainbow.
8. Favorite time of the year? I love Winter, it’s a big part of my Polish childhood. Given current global warming, I genuinely miss the ability to craft a snowman in my home city (Krakow) or have a snowball fight – haven’t done that for ages now!
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? Not a fan of either esports or standard sports. I do play table tennis occasionally, and I would like to play some volleyball, but that’s about it.
10. Do you have any pets? Yeah! I have a dog, here is a picture of her doing a standard dog version of tug of war:

And here is a picture of her trying to eat a German Shephard:

11. Place you would love to travel to? Japan! Not really because of anime, but because of my general love for the culture – both the modern and the ancient one. I was actually considering pursuing a master’s degree in there, but it’s kinda far away so I might stick to Europe for now. I simply enjoy being around quiet people, and I like Japanese attention to details, understanding of beauty and how clean they keep their environment. They respect nature and other people. Moreover, they are also one of the most technologically and culturally advanced societies in the world, so for a techie person like me it is just the perfect world.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? I don’t really like history, looking into the past is too boring…
13. Favorite games? Baldur’s Gate – I have hand-made T-Shirts with the game logos, and pictures of my favourite characters hang on the wall in my room. I pretty much have memorised the game as well, having replayed it a few times by now. Here is the opening quote of BG II – “Ah… the child of Bhaal has awoken. It is time for more… experiments”. I don’t think it can get nerdier than this. I also love The Elder Scrolls III – Morrowind equally, even managed to play through it recently with a friend (thanks to the TES3MP mod).
14. Describe your playing style? In RPG-s I love controlling the battlefield by playing wizard-based characters. Having defensive and offensive spells, boosting my teammates, and hindering opponents. Casting the perfect combination of spells given the situation – strategising. For M&B type of game, I guess my motto would be “Always keep shooting, even in melee…”
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Ranger danger.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Berta
16. Erminas is curious What two films would you like to combine into one? I would love to combine the fun but educational aspect of Hoozuki no Reitetsu (anime) with Interstellar – and learn more about maths and physics behind space exploration. I get quite bored by documentaries, so a comedy series like this would be awesome :p
17. Krex asking: Tell us a funfact about yourself that we DON'T know yet!? Fun fact – my surname comes from a street, literally. My grand-grand-grand-(…)-father was found abandoned on as street, as far as I remember in the 18th century. Somehow (luckily taken in by someone who lived there) he survived, and the family grew with time, reaching the modern days.
18. Karatak would like to know What do you see in the future of DoF in Bannerlord? If Bannerlord goes competitive we will crush everyone and be top-level, and famous, and maybe be streamed by someone. And we will always have fun playing together :)
19. Erminas asking: Some of our members have listed Poland as traveling destination they would like to visit, so what place(s) do you recommend for them? One of the best places worth visiting is my home tome – Kraków. It has pretty much everything you would expect from a tourist city – shopping centers, museums, good food, and a castle. We also have one of the biggest market squares in the world, and the largest one in Europe. There are so many attractions! - it would take far too much time to list everything, so I recommend googling around to see if it is something you would be interested in visiting. Avoid coming in winter, however, because it will be cold, and the pollution level will be very high.
20. Ganni is wondering What song hits you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear it? Morrowind and Baldur’s gate 2 main themes – favourite games combined with favourite pieces, and childhood. These are also the ones I can play on most of my musical instruments.
Thanks to Berta for joining us in this week's edition of MMM blog.
One of the rare MMM blogs that had pictures in it:p
Next week on the MMM we will have the Carry of the DoF in past few years. Ti's Ganni!
So make sure to tune in for that blog interview next Monday same place, around same time;p
Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!
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