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Meet the Member Monday - Biladinn

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

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We asked Biladinn 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hi, i am biladinn. I am 16 year old male from Bosnia (Eastern Europe).

Favorite Quotes/Lines:

"The ninth, the worst circle of the inferno Dante intended it for traitors" - Alija Izetbegović

1. How and why did you join DoF? I found and joined DoF by simple google serach ("best bannerlord clans") because I wanted to find some really good community to play BL with them. 2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? When we played cards against humanity. I cried that night. It was actually my first time playing that game.

3. Favorite book? Rostam and Sohrab by Ferdowsi (english) Rustem i Suhrab - Firdusi (bosnian) 4. Favorite movies and tv shows? My favorite tv show is "Only fools and Horses" and my favorite anime is Naruto dattebayoo.

5. Favorite music? I do not listen to music.

6. Favorite food and drink? My favorite food is ćevapi and my favorite drink must be milk.

7. Favorite color? Purple.

8. Favorite time of the year? Summer.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I am not fan of any kind of sport or esport club.

10. Do you have any pets? No, and I don't wanna have any.

11. Place you would love to travel to? Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Palestine.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Alija Izetbegović and Muhammad p.b.u.h.

13. Favorite games? Warzone and Rocket League atm. And I really wanna buy Escape From Tarkov and Hell Let Loose. (I don't have time to play them right now so I won't buy them yet).

14. Describe your playing style? Well, I don't have any specific playin style. But I always try to be the most unpredictable on the field.

15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Infantry.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Biladinn


16. Sir_Dlamans would like to know What is the local food you eat almost every time, that is strange to foreigners? Ćevapi I guess. Btw fun fact: Sir means cheese in bosnian.

17. Erminas asking: Which cevapi (kebabs) are the best? Ones from Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Novi Pazar, Leskovac? And just in general what was the best barbeque you ate? Well, you asked great question but I am not the guy who can answer that properly. I only ate ćevapi in Travnik, Mostar and Sarajevo...shame...I know. So I really can't answer first question. I am not the guy who traveled a lot. I kinda don't understand the second question.

18. JukeBox is curious What's your view on American Politics? Well, I don't have any specific view on American politics but something I find very interesting in USA is that you can have more people vote for you but at the end you can end up not being president. It's kinda dumb. Opinion and vote of a lot of people isn't even considered. I don't find that so democratic. For example, I vote for democrats in some state and at the end there is more votes for republicans in the same state so my vote is worthless?

19. What does Biladinn mean is what White Noise would like to know. Well, it's kinda hard to explain it. It actually doesn't mean anything. It's just nickname. My IRL first name is Bilal so father once called me biladin (idk why) and I liked it a lot so from that day I use biladinn as my nickname (only in games, my IRL nickname is bily).

20. PaRa is wondering If you could witness a historical event, which one would you want?

I would love to witness D-day. But only if I can't be killed there.

And now the round of Bonus questions:

Question by Surreal: Will biladinn take me out to lunch? No, I don't wanna waste money on you (nothing personal but I really don't have that much money).

Question by Shinrog: Why does Erminas hate fun? Because he is leader of DoF and leader of DoF shall not show any kind of weakness even if it is just fun.

Question by PaRa: Biladinn do you like me? Well yes, but actually no.

Question by Shinrog: Why did the Turks lose World War 1? Because sometimes you lose sometimes you win. (Idk rly).

Question by Erminas: What kind of job would you like to have after your school is finished? Programming job.

Question by Earendil: From the view around here Alija Izetbegovic is portrayed as a great leader (some refer to him as ''Wise King'') of Bosniaks. As a Bosniak yourself what do you think about him? And also what do you think about his son becoming a politician also:p (asking because we have similar stuff here you know). He was the best leader of Bosnia and Bosniaks. When I say the best I really mean it. I cannot compare any kind of Bosnian or Bosniak political leader with Alija izetbegović. He is the one who brought back Bosnia (medieval Bosnian Kingdom stopped to exist after Ottoman Empire conquered it back in 1400s and after that, Bosnia didn't have independence until Alija Izetbegović in 1992) as an independent country. There is a lot of good things that he did and that I could say about him but I guess this is enough to answer your question. His son isn't like him. I think he should leave politics. He just isn't ready to die for idea of Bosnia, Bosniaks and Islam which automatically makes him not as good as Alija. Alija is a man that is born once in 1000 years. By making Bosnia independent he also made Bosniaks (which are almost all muslims) safe. Milosević's Yugoslavia was really bad for muslim population in Bosnia. I hope that I answered your question :)


Thanks to Biladinn for taking his time to answer our questionnaire.

Coming to our MMM blog next week will be super fun person. It's Julian!

See you all next Monday :)


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