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Meet the Member Monday - Bubs

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Bubs 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


My name is Bubs. My real name is Brian, and my friends actually nicknamed me Morty (after Rick & Morty). I'm 21 years old now and about graduate from college. I plan to become a detective for a prosecutors office in the United States upon graduation. I've been apart of DoF for a long time now, even though I'm not the most active member of the clan. I always relish in the memories being apart of DoF has given me and it'll always be one of the several hallmarks of my teenage years playing with genuinely good people and forming legitimate online friendships.

Favorite Quote/Line: "Nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories." – J. Cole

"I always dreamed of being an entertainer. So, my whole life to some extent, or from the age that I can remember onwards, I knew I was going to have to make some sort of attempt at being noticed for being funny." - Lil Dicky

1. How and why did you join DoF? I can't recall how long its been now since I initially joined DoF, but I decided to start playing Native Warband a lot once the With Fire and Sword scene started to slow down. I wasn't exactly sure how joining clans worked, so I looked at several different ones. I finally settled on DoF because of DoF_CleanBandit.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? I think some of my favorite moments are looking forward to the nights when we had NA scrims. You'd get on early and just mess around and talk with the other guys. Also, it was always fun playing with the EU guys as well. A lot of good and nice people were present when I came onto play.

3. Favorite book? Unfortunately, I'm not much of a book reader. If I had to choose a single book though, I'd probably say a book called Kindred by Octavia Butler. It's very fascinating and worth the read from a completely theoretical point of view.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? My favorite movies are Wolf of Wallstreet, The Hangover Trilogy, The Dark Knight and any LOTR movie. My favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Killing, True Detective (Season 1 and 3 Only), and Mindhunter.

5. Favorite music? I listen to most music as long as it has a nice sound to it. I really enjoy 80s and 90s rock though. In terms of current "music," I find Lil Uzi Vert to be quite the lyricist.

6. Favorite food and drink? My go to food will always be pizza. My favorite drink is water because soda is just a lot of sugar. Also, binge drinking cheap beer is a fun time.. maybe even some mimosas and screwdrivers..

7. Favorite color? My favorite color is blue.

8. Favorite time of the year? I'm definitely a summer person, which in the US is around May-August. The warm weather just makes you feel overall better.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? My favorite "football" team is the New York Giants and favorite NBA team is the Brooklyn Nets.

10. Do you have any pets? I don't have any pets right now, but I'm thinking about getting a puppy really soon. In the research phase right now!

11. Place you would love to travel to? I'd love to go to Greece or backpack across Europe. My favorite place that I have been to is the Amalfi Coast in Italy though.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? I don't particularly gather any inspiration from anyone in particular, but if I had to pick someone it would be some Egyptian pharaoh because those guys had slaves build them entire pyramids as burial grounds! Entire pyramids guys! Architects struggle to re-imagine how they did it today still!

13. Favorite games? Right now, I play Rainbow Six Siege when I have some free time. Also, rocket league. Fortnite has also been dusted off just because it's very convenient to sit back after a long day and casually jump into it.

14. Describe your playing style? Nowadays, I definitely have a more laid-back playing style. Back when NA DoF actively played often, I was certainly a tryhard type of player. I have chosen to not stress over dying in video games anymore because it's ultimately just for fun!

15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? I really don't know anything about Bannerlord. The wait time for it has sort of shifted my mind away from Mount & Blade right now. If I were to play though, it would definitely be a cavalry class with the ability to still infantry fight and range play appropriately. I like to be able to play everything at an okay level and then focus on one class with more skill and attention


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Bubs


16. Kohath is wondering What is your favorite pokemon and why? My favorite Pokemon is probably Entei. When I was younger I had all of the legendary type cards, but the Entei one was the first shiny Entei card they made, so it stands out in my memory. 17. If you could have dinner with any three people in the world (from any time period), who would they be and why? This is what Darin would like to know. The three people that I would want to have dinner with are Matthew Mcconaughey, The Rock, and Leonardo DiCaprio. I think they are all very respected at what they do and that it would be a fun time drinking and talking with them about life. 18. Daring asking: Dear Bubs, what would be your ultimate dream team for any sport/esport? I'm far too short to ever aspire to be a professional athlete (5'5 :][... or maybe could be an NFL runningback), but if I could, it would be awesome to play for the New York Giants in some aspect. Even working for them in some way would be just as cool. When you're a big enough sports fan of a team, there's not much you wouldn't do to be apart of that organization in some capacity deeper than just going to the games in-person. 19. Erminas's question: Bubs How did you pick your nickname? So I originally played online with bribrirox2, which my sister created a Webkinz account for me and picked that as the name. As I got older, I felt I needed to come up with my own nickname. Again, I changed my name to ProCreeper, out of inspiration from TheSyndicateProject on youtube because his in-game name was ProSyndicate or something like that. I felt that wasn't original enough either. I was playing on With Fire and Sword a lot and saw this player named StableBoy_Keith. He wasn't very good, but I found his name funny and I always saw him on the map with a big barn in the middle of it. From there, I changed my name to FarmBoyBubs, which was clear inspiration from his name. Finally, I got rid of the FarmBoy part and just rolled with Bubs. 20. Shinrog is wondering What games do you play with friends casually and are they all the same genre or all different? Nowadays, I play rocket league with my one roommate often. We'll also sit in the living room and play Fortnite or Madden with my other roommates. When I have more free time, I enjoy playing Rainbow Six Siege with my friends from home on discord. I've gone towards playing relatively casual games that you can just hop into within a moments notice and still have fun because it's easier after coming from a busy day of life.


Thanks to Bubzy for joining us in this week's edition of MMM blog.

Next week, it's Violet's turn! So make sure to tune in for that article next Monday.

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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