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Meet the Member Monday - Erminas

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Feb 22, 2020

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Erminas 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hello everyone I am Stefan aka Erminas and I am addicted to DoF. Was born, raised and am living in Belgrade, Serbia. I am working in post office and I am loving it! When I step out from offices to do delivery I am my own boss and since I am bit stubborn this is one of the reasons why it works out so well for me and why am I so bloody good at it

(bit of arrogance is also my "perk")!

Right, let the spooky 13th edition of our amazing blog commence!

Favorite Quote/Line: "Respect everyone, Fear No one!" - Erminas

1. How and why did you join DoF? So it was the spring of 2010, 27th of May to be precise, I bought Warband and since I have been playing original M&B for years prior to Warband's release I couldn't wait for Multiplayer. I bought game directly from TaleWorld's site and after week or two I was interested in playing together with other players in organized way, so I went to the TW forums.

Now this is weird part, but for some reason there were these two mainly NA clans that I got interested in applying for. Why did I not look for EU team? Great question! Absolutely no idea or reasonable answer to that...

Right. To add to all the weirdness of my joining of DoF, these two clans I was interested in just split apart from bigger clan into two smaller ones. One was called

Holy Brotherhood of Suno (I loved Swadia in SP and Suno was my fav city so ye:p) and other was Defenders of Faith. So I checked their threads a bit and what I noticed right away was the difference in attitude and friendlier approach DoF had over the HBS, so my heart picked that DoF. Of course I never regretted it:p

PS. When applying for DoF I listed my main class as Horse Archer. Some years later I would meet Dante's Stable horsie and we would team up to do some greatness (or annoying of opponents if nothing great) in ECS2!

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? So so many!

- ECS2 - this when for the first time we had a Comp Team in every sense of that phrase. We trained hard, we played great. Atmosphere in game, on forums and around us was impressive. We bled tears and sweat for good results and boy did we get em. We felt unstoppable and that we could compete with the very best on equal terms which matches like one against IR show.

- UNAC5 period - it is interesting that UNAC5 was around ECS2 time, so around the same time interval we pretty much were impressing everyone on both NA and EU scene.

NA team we had was trained, managed and built to be competitive. And when all the pieces came into place we really had amazing team of NA members as well as me and Kohath who were active from EU scene. We were scrimming on daily basis sometimes even 2-3 scrims a day! And it payed off, we managed to beat some amazing teams in trainings and officials. Shame that team disbanded later due to well known reasons, because it could have dominated NA scene for years to come. Atmosphere and cohesion as well as skill were there. Shame, shame...

- Our Xmas events and Pickup Parties with friends were always greatly organized and lot of fun. More of these will come in BL trust me!

Another great moments come from many different games we play. Since we are gaming community there are so many games we play(ed) together and had a blast in. Like Guns of Icarus, ARK, RL and others.

3. Favorite book? Honestly I don't read too much, so will go with already classics like Lord of the Rings and Hobbit books. I also really liked Crimes and Punishment by Dostoyevski as well as some other books by Russian authors.

Lovecraft also remains close to my heart and I like reading his stories whenever I find some time/willpower. Books I have but have not read yet and am planning to do sometimes are Sergei Lukyanenko's The Night Watch series. As for the unique book I suppose not many have heard of I would pick Automated Alice Jeff Noon.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? The Good Wife still remains my favorite show ever. Really it's not the one to miss out especially after first 2 seasons. Other shows I love are Haven, Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett, Foyle's War. And the most recent one is called Project Blue Book starring Aidan Gillen.

I also love TV shows like Saturday Night Live [SNL] and sadly John Stewart's cancelled Daily Show. As for movies I am as of late enjoying Marvel titles quite a lot. Other classics I can't resist to watch when on TV are Battle of Brittain, Indiana Jones (first 3), Back to the Future, LotR, etc

5. Favorite music? For long time I have been only really listening to Nightwish who are symphonic-metal band. Luckily they had lot of songs so it was never enough.

However 5-7 years ago I started broadening the opus of music I listen to and have been discovering some amazing bands and artists. So here goes the list:

Tarja Turunen - her solo career after she got kicked out of Nightwish

Lana del Rey - she is just so unique to miss out. Vintage sound of her music and singing is just too nostalgic and rich

Skillet - amazing Christian rock band

Evanescence - Amy Lee is impressive

Zaz- french girl who I cant understand much cuz I don't speak French lol, but she is so very unique and talented

Then lot of legendary rock bands and singers such as Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Bonnie Tyler, ACDC, Queen, Bullet for my Valentine and probably many many more I may be forgetting.

My latest "discoveries" are Exit Eden and Evol Walks. As for domestic music I would recommend Orthodox Celts!

6. Favorite food and drink? I love potatoes! Fried, baked, mashed? All amazing! As for meat usually kebabs and hamburgers as well as sausages. My favorite meals are both with minced/ground meat as main ingredient. One is Moussaka - potatoes and ground meat based pie like meal. Other is Sarma - sour cabbage leaves rolled around ground meat and rice in nice little packages of tastiness!

7. Favorite color? I prefer darker shades of colors. Dark Blue (Inter FC!), Dark Purple (Saints Row style!), Maroon aka Dark Red and of course Dark Green of DoF!

8. Favorite time of the year? Spring or late Summer and beginning of Automn when the weather is not too hot, but you can still walk around without jackets and hats. I also don't mind rain actually and like it as long as it's not pouring down like its doomsday.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? Yes! I love sports. Football, Basketball, NHL, Tennis, honestly I can watch pretty much any sport. More about this in Dangel's question bit later. As for eSports, can't really call it and esport (yet?!) but I do love watching Warband scrims!

10. Do you have any pets? Not an anymore. Used to have Samoyed dog, she died few years ago:(

11. Place you would love to travel to? Italia, Milano city, Giuseppe Meazza stadium at the night of football derby Inter vs Milan to be precise. Apart from that dream, Russia for sure. Then USA/Canada and some European countries like Czech Republic. Only destinations I am kinda not interested in are far East and Asia. For some reason I don't find them intriguing or maybe they are bit too different culture wise for me.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Sir Winston Churchill for sure. He, as a leader, at times was facing fierce enemy all alone but still managed to keep morale up as much as possible with belief that victory can be achieved despite the dark tide of war that was upon Free world. As for domestic ones, Nikola Tesla. He was bit of weirdo and not understood or appreciated enough during his lifetime to the point that he died alone and poor in his hotel room. But people are learning more and more of him and are rating him high when it comes to science nowdays.

13. Favorite games? Warband for sure. Followed by Prince of Persia (Warrior Within still remains one of the best games I ever played), Silent Hill series, ARK (love my dinos), Sacred 2, IL2 Sturmovik games, Saints Row series and Awesomenauts to name the few.

14. Describe your playing style? Tricky question. Since I lead a lot I suppose best word would be calculated. But one of trolly calculated meme chat coms you spam in RL:p

My style is defensive till I see opening to strike, all while keeping an eye on my teammates making sure they are positioned and not in danger. Team comes first is my motto, so as long as we are winning I don't mind sacrificing myself for that achievement.

15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Cavalry for sure. It is just too good and improved in Bannerlord. Horse Archery still is dear to my heart and I am in love with Khuzait HA class in Bannerlord! Secondary class I guess would be melee orientated ranger, so pretty much same as in Warband.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Erminas


16. CreamPie asking: What's an outdated video game that you'd like to see remade or revived? Would love to have Prince of Persia series remade or rather restarted. More like dark themed Warrior Within rather than happy little Prince in the first game:p As for revives Awesomenauts! Wish that game had larger player base, because it is awesome (sorry), wacky, unique and blast to play! Also I am Godlike in that game!

17. Kane would like to know How would you rate DoF's chances in WNL8? We are undefeated after two weeks. We probably should have won in week 2 against Doner as well, but draw in the end seems like a fair result. With integration of few "mercs/friends" like Yourself Kane as well as Pieter/Hansworst and Supernova our team is looking pretty darn solid. Atmosphere is good and it reminds me a bit of ECS2, except for the fact that we trained way harder back then. How far we cant get? I think we are again at the point where we can definitely hurt everyone with the roster we have. So I personally think that this can be the season where we achieve our best result in WNLs.

18. Darin is wondering What is your general impression of Americans? Maybe bit spoiled by the richness and opportunities USA offers. Now that is not generally bad, since USA offers so much to it's people, but maybe that has in my opinion

"tucked you in" and made you bit too much carefree and self-centric. When it comes to personalities, yes Americans think big and they are not shy to tell you that, and you know what over the years I became fond of that. However if you go around the world you would probably still hear "Oh Americans" when they disagree with something (especially from us Europeans:p) you may be doing.

19. Viglaf asking What would be the best game of all time, that haven't been made yet? Big open world multiplayer game where as clan we could make settlements, upgrade them, have villages/cities/bases and manage them. That game would of course have survival games elements like hunting for food, farming and mining as well as trading that would be run by players themselves rather than game or NPCs. As for setting, M&B realm would do really well. So to sum it up it would be big persistent world, MMO with WB/BL combat!

20. Dangel is curious What is something you are passionate about outside of the video game realm? Sport for sure! Football to be precise. I am huge Inter Milano Football Club fan which some of you may know bit about:p I am watching every match they play, know all of their players, their positions, plays, tactics. I even follow their youth teams... Such tryhard fan of Inter am I. Now that all being said, Inter is

"Not for Everyone" as their new motto is saying. They can bring so much joy, but can also annoy me so much like not many things can. To love Inter means suffering through most of the matches and living on the edge every single match. Not for faint hearted.

Bonus questions:

1. Darin's question: What's something about your country most people don't know or something people think that isn't accurate? Well I think that most foreigners may think that Serbia is risky travelling destination. Sure, our country is not super rich, but most of us speak English very well and there are so many beautiful landscapes here. Serbia is positioned between East and West. This by itself was always the reason for other nations to fight over this land and Belgrade in particular. From Romans to Ottomans to Austro-Hungarians to Nazis, Belgrade was always one of the key locations to have under control. Only issue with that is that Serbians are by nature stubborn, unwilling to give in or be controlled, all together with quite a bit of arrogance and whole lot of naivety is mix for being untameable by super powers. This all especially our naivety tends to backfire on us on many occasions, but oh well. Serbia is hard country/nation to fall in love with (even for us who were born here:p), but once you do you cant forget it.

2. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be is what Viglaf is interested in finding out? I would like people to be happier because we as Earth have means to do so. Would love everyone to have enough money to provide for themselves all that they need and to earn that money by doing honest works that they would enjoy. This is likely to come in future when dangers will hopefully pull us all together more closely in order to survive. What dangers may those be? Aliens, climate changes, Thanos, who knows...


Thanks for reading my edition of blog and thanks to all the members that posted questions. They were not easy to answer, but it was fun!

Next week, we will have one of our most loved members Bubs joining us!

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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