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Meet the Member Monday - Gadric

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

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We asked Gadric 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hey, I'm Bram, otherwise known in the community as Gadric. I'm twenty-six years old and I live in the Netherlands. I currently work part time as a designer for an IT company in a nearby city. I live in a small town in the south of my country for nearly 4 years now. My hobbies include (surprise) playing video games, illustration, tabletop games, board games, reading books and writing. I've been playing on the PC since I was about six years old, and had a Nintendo 64 a year prior (which I also still played). The first games I played were Wolfenstein, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Banjo Kazooie, although the first one was unintentional. Oops.

Favorite Quote/Line: "Why you do dis!!?? " - Violet

1. How and why did you join DoF? I joined DoF back in July 2013, if I recall correctly. I was playing a lot of Vikingr (a module for Warband) back then together with one of DoF's founders; Dante. He had been asking me every now and then to consider trying out native and to join DoF, I was hesitant for a very long time on the matter but back in 2013 I decided to give it a shot and lo and behold, here I am. Definitely 0 regrets on joining DoF, it's always been fun to play here.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? I'd like to put these in two categories, one of them being a competitive favorite and the other a fun one. For the competitive side it has to be our run in ECS 2, I believe. The communication and overall dedication to progressing back then was us at our peak, in my opinion. It was a great experience and I feel like we all enjoyed it as well. Positive stuff. As for the fun one, I always had a good laugh during fun events we used to host like zombies. That was real good fun, and the involvement of the community was great, especially when we had big groups with our friends like CCC and Wolfpack to name a few.

3. Favorite book? I've read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi when I was younger. One writer has always been my favorite by a mile, and that is J.R.R. Tolkien. I have read the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion multiple times and I adore everything about the Tolkien universe. I enjoyed other reads as well, among them were books like the Dwarves by Markus Heitz and of course A Song of Ice and Fire by big ol' George. I'm currently reading the The Complete Chronicles of Conan (Centenary Edition), which is a collection of Robert E. Howard's Conan stories. After that I intend to continue with a collection of Lovecraft's work bundled together as the Necronomicon which I am really excited for. I also want to read the Narnia books in the future, so I'll have plenty to read for the time to come.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I don't really watch a lot of movies and tv shows. I really enjoyed the Lord of the Rings trilogy and thought the Hobbit trilogy was alright as well. The latter didn't live up to the former though, and every other movie that has been released over the past 15 years or whatever it has been hasn't even come close to the Lord of the Rings trilogy in my opinion. As for tv shows, I watched Game of Thrones, Firefly and I am currently watching the Expanse when I can.

5. Favorite music? I enjoy all sorts of music except for rap, that doesn't do it for me. I like when more classical genres join forces with newer ones. I've recently been introduced to urban country, and it's pretty cool. If I had to name a few bands I listen a lot to it'd be Gloryhammer, Blind Guardian, Ghoultown, The Dread Crew of Oddwood, Korpiklaani, Nine Treasures and Beast in Black. It's not for everyone, but I enjoy it.

6. Favorite food and drink? I love spicy food, so a good curry is always welcome in my books. Other than that, my favorite drink is probably coffee.

7. Favorite color? Green!

8. Favorite time of the year? Spring. I hate Dutch summers and never liked winter, therefor I'll settle for spring. (what is autumn?)

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I like watching football, my favorite football team is PSV, has been ever since I was young.

10. Do you have any pets? No, I can barely take care of myself let alone a pet.

11. Place you would love to travel to? I've got a list of countries I want to visit in my life time. Among them are New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Poland.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? I don't really get inspired by historical figures, but if I had to choose it'd be Robert the Bruce.

13. Favorite games? Warband, For Honor, Rocket League, Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, Oblivion, the entire Witcher franchise and Star Citizen.

14. Describe your playing style? Painfully mediocre. 15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Infantry, because one day Erminas will love infantry. One day.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Gadric


16. Darin is curious What do tulips taste like? Home.

17. Phoenix asking: If you could change the course of an event in history what would it be and why? I don't really think it'd matter what I would change, because humanity just keeps repeating their same mistakes anyway, only in a different coating each time.

18. Viglaf is wondering Is it tough being the voice of reason? Someone has to be. Like Frodo carrying the One Ring to Mount Doom, I will carry this burden.

19. Phoenix would like to know What are your favourite character, location and race/faction in Middle-Earth? My favorite character is most likely Samwise Gamgee. Because being a good friend to those you care for is important in this world as well Middle Earth! My favorite location in the films is the Twenty-First Hall in the Mines of Moria, in the books it's definitely without a single doubt the Shire. My favorite race would be the Dwarves, Tolkien's portrayal of Dwarves has paved the way for their portrayal in fantasy in general, in my opinion. They're also my favorite race in fantasy.

20. Holland or Netherlands, which name do you prefer and why, asks Erminas? Netherlands, Holland refers to two provinces, and they're not even close to being the best provinces! Not to worry, soon we'll annex Flanders and form the sovereign nation of Brabant with Michael van Gerwen as our benevolent ruler. Prosperity awaits.


Thanks to Gadric for joining us in this week's blog.

Quite a character is next on the menu. In positive way! :p It's Azrael!

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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