Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Hakai 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hi, im Carlos, the best Spanish member of DoF. I´m from Alcalá de Henares, an ancient city near Madrid. I'm 27 and I am working as workplace hazard prevention technician. Also I'm studying environmental science at university.
Favorite Quotes/Lines: "Si vis pacem para bellum" - Publius Flavius Vegetius
1. How and why did you join DoF? Well I learned about DoF by watching Greed's stream on twitch. So I started reading on DoF site and discord and I decide to try and apply to join.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? I become a DoF member only 1 month ago so I haven't too much time here, but every time I have played with DoF members is a good moment.
3. Favorite book? I think I can't choose a favourite book, but I love ancient culture genre, like Roman Empire or others. I accept some recommendations ;)
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I'm not used to watch TV to much, but I can choose comedy shows as my favourite. Like Modern Family or The Big Bang Theory.
5. Favorite music? I listen every kind of music.
6. Favorite food and drink? I guess a good "Fabada asturiana" could be fine.

7. Favorite color? Green.
8. Favorite time of the year? Summer.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams?
When I was a child I used to watch Real Madrid football matches but now I don't watch them.
I support G2 esport team.
10. Do you have any pets? No, at this moment I can't have it. But I want to have a dog and a cat.
11. Place you would love to travel to? I would like to travel to Machu Pichu and to visit Egyptian Pyramids.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? No one.
13. Favorite games? I have been playing Travian, a MMORTS game for 10 years. Also I spend too much time in CS, COD, Total War saga and AOE.
14. Describe your playing style? I like to be aggressive and I like to use throwing weapons.
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Infantry.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Hakai
16. Impaled Water's question: Carlos, do you support the bids for independence of Catalonians? If so, do you support the politics of the Catalan Republican Left, Together for Catalonia, or the Popular Unity Candidacy? I haven't any thought on politics.
But in my opinion the independence of a part of Spain should be voted in all the country.
17. Surreal is wondering What is the best time of year to visit Spain? Also what are some great places to see that aren't super well known outside of Spain?
I guess the best time of year is spring because in summer some places are too hot.
I recommend visiting Asturias if you like nature.
18. PaRa is curious what is your favorite race in any fantasy game (LotR, WoW, any)?
I have never played WoW or a similar game. But I choose wizard in LotR.
19. White Noise asking: What's the best and the worst thing about your country?
I think the worst thing is corruption. The best thing I would say is our diverse/different landscape and weather. We have different areas: mountains and snow, dessert with no rain, big forests, etc
Different landscape types.
20. Dlamans would like to know What is your local food that is strange for foreigners?
In Madrid its typical Squid sandwich. I think it could be strange.
And now the longest round of Bonus questions we ever had in MMM:
Question by Impaled Water: What is your favourite tapas? There are too many types of tapas that I don't know if I can choose one.
I'm thinking about one I ate some years ago which consists of baked potatoes with "mojo picón".

Another question by Impaled Water: Also ,what do you think of me? I don't know you too much but you seem a funny person, you send memes and make jokes on discord.
Question by White Noise: I visited Spain through my time in the Airforce, which historical places would you recommend to visit? All around Spain there are ancients Roman's cities, and Arabian.
Also you can find another culture villages like celtiberian or phoenician (older than Roman and Arabian empires).
Question by Tom: I heard Spanish put snails in the paiella, is that true? If so have you tried it?
Yes, you can eat snails in paella but it isn't common. Also people eat it just boiled.
But I don't like it
Question by JukeBox: What's your favorite restaurant to treat yourself? I like to go to an Indian restaurant in the city center of Alcalá.
Question by PaRa: What do you think of El-Cid? He was a good commander.
Question by Erminas: What do you think of your country's neighbors? Well, I have no problem with French and Portuguese people.
Thanks to Hakai for joining us in what will be the MMM Season 2 finale article.
We had so many new people joining us this year. All of them lovely, diverse and very much true to the essence of what DoF is!
We will be taking couple of months break, but don't your worry Dear reader we will back with Season 3 in February or March 2021!
We hope that these blogs have been making your mood at least little bit brighter throughout this depressing and dark year. If we did that even for just a couple of minutes our job was done!
With this last few words from this season I can't stress out any much more that you please try and stay safe and positive. Better times are coming.
From all of the DoF, Stay classy and see you soon:)
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