Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Julian 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello DoF members!
...here are my answers to your Questions :)
Favorite Quotes/Lines: "May the force be with you" - Star Wars saying
1. How and why did you join DoF? I got hired for the tournament, and I liked what I saw (really cool Clan) and I joined then.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? The Bannerlord tournament with White Noise and the others :3 And Scrap mechanic with Ermi was also fun.
3. Favorite book? I dont read (lol xD)
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Hands down.... Star Wars!
5. Favorite music? I dont have any favorite music, I listen to the music that's "in" atm lol.
6. Favorite food and drink? Pizza and Cola (not very healthy I know xD).
7. Favorite color? Green!! (my eyes are green too).
8. Favorite time of the year? Uhm 2020???? Uhm I.... like 2019 because no Corona. I love summer because its so warm and you are not freezing haha.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I love to watch Rocket League Esports, but dont have any favorite team.
10. Do you have any pets? Yes a cat :3
11. Place you would love to travel to? I don't like to travel, I really love to stay at home in my region.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Idk I don't think I have one D:
13. Favorite games? Bannerlord, Rocket League, Star Wars the Old Republic,
Train Simulator (ofc), ARK, Atlas
14. Describe your playing style? I am playing games very slowly (for example, I have to do every side quest beside the main Story) you know what I mean xD
In PvP games I am a aggressive player and always push. Btw, I hate campers!!! xD
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? When I was playing MP I always played Infantry and Archer.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Julian
16. Snick is interested what is the worst game you've ever played and why (cant say Bannerlord)? I once downloaded and played (for fun, we had nothing to do) game called "Mad Combat Marine." This is the worst game ever!!!! xD Dont download it!!!! xD
17. Erminas asking: Are there any interesting urban legends or folk stories from your region? If not, please just tell us something that fascinates you about the area of Germany you live in.
Uhm I don't know actually, but what me fascinates is that I live in a beautiful village near a big city. Around my villages are beautiful Hills but as soon as you come closer to the big city (it's about 30 kilometers distance) the earth is getting so flat.
18. Biladinn would like to know when will you play Bannerlord again? I am playing Bannerlord, but SP I am not so active in MP atm... :/
19. Erminas is wondering How complicated is it to drive a train? Well for me not, but I am doing this now for (soon 2 Years) but there are also complicated situations.
20. Snick's question: Is your real name Julian? Yes, my real name is also Julian :)
Zocki aka Julian
Thanks for joining us in this week's blog Julian. And just for joining DoF in general;)
Article is bit short, but you are forgiven due to having the most contagious laughter I heard (that's a compliment:p)
Still not sure who is joining us next week, but I am sure it will be someone nice.
Visit us next Monday for more blog interviews :)
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