Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
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We asked Milky 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello everyone, my name is Sandon, otherwise known as Milky, and I am from the United States of America. I've been playing games for about 8 years now, and actually, I started off playing pc games with Mount and Blade Warband.
Favorite Quote/Line: "What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
- Maximus Decimus Meridius (Gladiator)
1. How and why did you join DoF? When I was getting more into the Warband competitive community, I kind of started out with a wrong foot. Instead of jumping straight into Warband and trying to get my name out in Native, I actually started playing persistent world and had a lot of fun there. When some of my buddies from PW wanted to play native comp, we started scrimming on Native. The last scrim we ever did was against DoF NA, and as we lost that scrim, I decided I wanted to try to join DoF. So, when I asked Alejanbro if I could join, he told me to go ahead and head over to the forums and apply there. After waiting a few days, the application got accepted, and I never had one day regret my decisions.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? To be honest, I haven't really had one favorite moment in DoF. Just being able to play in such a fun community of guys (and girls) has been a blast for me. The Teamspeak has pretty much never been empty, and I can always go in there and talk with people whenever. But, if I had to choose a favorite moment, it is definitely when it was like 10 PM est for me, and Kohath would come wandering in the Teamspeak drunk and spitting out a whole bunch of gibberish to everyone. Definitely always made for a good laugh.
3. Favorite book? I don't really read, lol. I have always wanted to read the Game of Thrones books, but never got into them.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? My favorite TV show by far is Game of Thrones. The plot, the actors, the fighting, all of this just makes me wanna keep watching the series over and over again.
5. Favorite music? My top 5 artists are J. Cole, Travis Scott, Trippie Redd, Lil Uzi Vert, and Playboi Carti. I guess I got that rapper taste.
6. Favorite food and drink? Pizzaaaaa. Best food ever. So simple to make and so tasty to eat. Favorite drink, a cookies and creme milkshake from Chick Fil A. The EU’s probably don't know what Chick Fil A is, but it is so good.
7. Favorite color? Cyan.
8. Favorite time of the year? Winter, my birthday is in Winter, and so is Christmas. Also, the snow and the cold is so much better than the hot sun and the heat. Remember, you can always put more on, but you can't keep taking off.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I like to play soccer, volleyball, spikeball, and love gaming. I don't really have a favorite esports team, but I like to watch soccer on the TV. My favorite team is Ajax for soccer (football), cause I have family in The Netherlands and a good friend of mine is Marc Overmars.
10. Do you have any pets? I do not unfortunately.
11. Place you would love to travel to? I went on a 2 month backpacking trip to Europe this past summer, and the only place I did not have a lot of time to visit was Rome. So, I would go back to Rome for a longer amount of time that I did last year.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? My favorite historical figure is definitely Caesar. I love history, so I like to do research on Julius Caesar and learn more about Roman history.
13. Favorite games? My number one favorite game right now is Rust. My second favorite game is definitely Warband, and my third favorite game is Valorant at the moment.
14. Describe your playing style? In Warband, I like to play archer, and that also goes for Bannerlord. So I like to stick by my team, but also be more of a support type. When I play league and other types of games like that, I also like to be more of a team player, rather than focus on getting kills myself. For me, kills don’t mean everything.
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Archer, that's the class I played in Warband too.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Milky
16. Darin is curious: If you could be present for any event in history, which one would you rant to be at? Rather than going to a far away historical moment, I would go to Travis Scott’s first astroworld concert. His concerts and shows are just so good that I want to be able to say that I went to one of his crazy concerts.
17. Shinrog's question: Favorite number and why? My favorite number is 47. The 4 comes into play because 4 is a nice low number, even, and was also my sisters favorite number. 7 is the lucky number, so If I put 4 and 7 together, I get 47.
18. What is your favorite form of dairy, asks Darin? It’s tied between 2 products. I love ice cream, and I also love yogurt. With yogurt, you can make so many different combinations of meals, from smoothies to many different types of yogurt bowls. Ice cream is just so nice to have on a hot day at night with some friends.
19. Unique question by Phoenix: If you were in my position and asking yourself a question, what would that question be? (and answer of the question too of course:p) Haha so the question that I would ask would be “Do you have any siblings, preferably a sister...?” The answer to that questions would be Yes and Yes, but I will not supply any more information on that question...
20. Shinrog would like to know How did you come up with your username? When I played Xbox 360 back in 2013, me and my irl friends had a group called the Milkmen, so we all changed our name to *something* Milkman. My name was Tryhard Milkman, and played under that name for like 3 years. When I started getting more and more into PC gaming, I changed my name from Tryhard Milkman to mmmmilky because it was unique with 4 m’s. After a while, I changed the 4 m’s to just one M, and that is why I go by Milky now.
Bonus question by Shinrog: Has the corona-virus affected you much so far? For me, the corona-virus has not affected me so much. I have a nice job I still go into work with, and that is really nice to have. For my family, everyone is still working, and having some sort of income, so we are on the lucky side of things.
Thanks to Milky for joining us in this week's edition of our blog.
Very nice read from very nice person!
Next week on the MMM we will be hosting our European member. It's Danish dude Petee!
So make sure to tune in for that blog interview next Monday
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