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Meet the Member Monday - PaRa

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked PaRa 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hello, I'm ParalyzeR. My friends always called me Para, so I shortened my nick and now I use it as PaRa. My real name is Şahan. I'm 22 years old. I am currently a Computer Engineering student at Yıldız Technical University. This year is my last year at university. When I graduate, I want to establish my own company after I have the necessary experience. But maybe I can stay in the army as a non-commissioned officer. Greetings to all DoF members!

Favorite Quotes/Lines: "Our true mentor in life is science.”- M.K. Atatürk

1.How and why did you join DoF? I have been in many Turkish communities. None of them satisfied me because most of them were adolescents, unable to think like adults, and excluded people who didn't think like them. I met DoF for the first time when their members, namely, Berta and Earendil played with me as mercenaries in a Turkish tournament. They brought us a lot and we won the first place. Earlier, of course, I heard that DoF is a professional clan. With the first opportunity I got, I sent my application on the site.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? My favorite moments in DoF are playing with everyone in any game. Because my English is low, trying to talk to someone gives me pleasure. Because I feel like I'm improving myself. At the same time, it has a special taste in playing as a team in a tournament. Because unlike other clans, there is no bad behavior such as humiliating a player who has had a bad game. A clan that you feel aware that the game is meant to make you relax.

3. Favorite book? Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". I had read this book in my high school years, but it affected me very much. It even changed my thinking a little bit. By the way, I'm not quite a nihilist of course.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? As a movie, I love the movie "Transcendence". It almost literally sums up where I want to reach in technology. At the same time, Naruto is ahead of all anime or cartoons for me in terms of content. I was very impressed that it was a series of causes, not villains. Finally, there is One Piece that I still watch. I've been watching since I was little and yes I know it is childish but as I said, I've been watching since my childhood. By the way, I'm definitely not an otaku. I'm someone who only watched 2-3 anime series.

5. Favorite music? Remembrance-Balmorhea. I am someone who likes to live in retrospective memories, although most of my friends find it very depressing. I like many different styles of music but my favorite genres are classics and soundtracks.

6. Favorite food and drink? I like pizza as a food and coke as a beverage. I'm not a person who manages to make very detailed comments about food, but sadly, I love Fast Food.

7. Favorite color? Black purple. Reminds me of ambition and reality.

8. Favorite time of the year? Late summer and September. The weather is still warm and the leaves are falling.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I used to play a lot of football. I even have a few high school medals. However, the community of friends I had later on was not people interested in sports. That's why I walked away too. I have never been so good in e-sports. It was not a suitable sport for me both in terms of equipment and time. As a football team, I am a fan of Galatasaray.

10. Do you have any pets? I don't have a pet right now. However, when I go out to my own house, I think of having a python as a pet. Snakes are the animals I respect the most.

11. Place you would love to travel to? First, I would like to visit every region of my country. Then it would be nice to visit the Scandinavian countries.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, The awakening of the Turks. Most inspirational movement of him was in Dardanelles wars. In the war, he denied to follow the order he got and moved like what he thinks should be done. This was taking risk of execution. Somehow the destiny smiled to him cause of his genius strategy skills and he become one of the most known soldier in the country. After the independence war of Turkey, he continued his life as a successful politician and modernized his country. Nowadays, he is still one big discussion matter in Turkey but we all know that he is the most important figure for Turkish history in the 20th century.

13. Favorite games? The Mount and Blade series is the best for me. Besides, I like to play games with stories such as Crysis, Fear, Arma 3, Half-Life and COD. Online I love World of Tanks, CSGO and Valorant.

14. Describe your playing style? I tried very hard while playing Warband. However, conditions do not allow this. In such situations, I would be too overwhelmed. Then I started playing the games with their real purpose to soften the nerves. And that's where I started enjoying it more. When I met DoF, I started enjoying it even more.

15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? I would like to be Cavalry. Because riding a horse seemed very enjoyable. But first I realized I had to learn to fight on my feet. That's why I started out as infantry, but I would like to continue playing as Cavalry in the future.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for PaRa


16. Berta would like to know What do you think about programming so far? Until now, I have worked a little in various fields such as image processing, artificial intelligence, database, PLC programming, android programming. Anything is possible with programming. In fact, my thoughts on programming are somewhat summed up in my favorite movie. In my view, Eternal life is possible, and this is possible through programming, not medically.

17. Phoenix's "question": If you were to ask yourself a question, what would the question be? And of course answer it. Which programming language would you recommend for beginners? That would be my question. Most programmers nowadays recommend Python as a starting point, but that's ridiculous. A person who starts out with Python has a 50 percent chance of not understanding what he is doing and why. Yes, it may be the easiest language to learn, but I'm sure person won't understand much when he/she turns to other structured programming languages. I started with Pascal, but I think the best start is with C.

18. Erminas is wondering What kind of job would you like to have after your studying is done? I want to continue in my field. At first, I want to gain experience by developing software in a large company and then develop mobile applications by establishing my own company. I want to reach eternity as my last project.

19. JukeBox: Do you like NA DoF or EU DoF better? Actually I have no idea who is from EU or who is from NA. It is not possible for me to make a distinction on this issue. In general, I think I get along well or can get along with every member of DoF. But I would like to show Erminas as the person I am fond of the most. Although I am a very bad player in Bannerlord, he gave me opportunities in every match. Thanks Erminas.

20. Surreal is curious If you could travel back in time to witness any moment in history, which moment would you choose? World War 1. Especially the Dardanelles war. Although the Ottomans were in bad conditions in the last days, they always did great things with their officer and soldiers. The Ottoman Empire was already a tired empire before the great war. Dardanel War could not prevent its collapse. But the defeat of the world's largest navy in the face of this tired empire shows that everything can change.

And now the round of Bonus questions:

Question by Erminas: Favorite word in English? Despair. I may not seem pessimistic at first sight but I really am. Maybe you were expecting the answer something like lemonade. Despair, because there is no way to change the people of today.

Question by Biladinn: Para do you like me? “Yaratılanı Sev, Yaratandan Ötürü”- Yunus Emre a Dervish (1238-1328). It means “We love the created one because it is the creator's will.” Of course I like you man. But only as a friend :)

Question by Erminas: What Turkish dish/meal would you recommend to everyone? Mantı or Turkish Ravioli.


Thanks to PaRa for taking his time to write this beautiful blog for us.

This is perfect example of what our MMM blog is all about. Learning more about our members and bringing them bit closer to us all. This is how we make our bonds even stronger for something Great (DoF!) that will last forever!

Next interviewee is a surprise, so I will see you here same time next week:)

Thank You, Dear Reader, for visiting our site and taking Your time to read our blogs.

Take care, stay safe everyone.


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