Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Phoenix 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
My salutations to you all, friends, Romans, countrymen, it is my turn to be interviewed this week, it is presumably going to be a long read as it is in my nature, but I hope it will not be too boring
My name is Emirhan (basically combination of Arabic and Turkish words for sovereign) I was born and raised in Ankara, although both my parents are from Siirt (Southeastern Turkey). I am a sayyid due to lineage from my father, thus of being partial Arabic origin. Nowadays I live in Istanbul due to work but I spend summers (and corona breaks!) with my family in Ankara. I work and study on department of History in Boğaziçi University.
My hobbies besides gaming are history(yes I do the job I love!), reading books and poetry, learning languages, studying etymology and taking long walks.
I have joined DoF on first of March 2014, I changed my nickname to Phoenix around those times, (hence why most of you know me by that name) as I used to change nicknames whenever I swapped clans (lol) searching for a place to stay. Now that I can assure you that the name Earendil is here to stay, and after more than 6 years I guess it is safe for me to call DoF home now.
Favorite Quote/Line: "In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the World, and beyond them is more than a memory. Farewell!" - Aragorns final words to Arwen
1. How and why did you join DoF? Well there are several reasons. I have had contact with Erminas before as he was the organizer of WWC and I was arranging EU stuff for my Turkish clan at the time, and lets say I was impressed as I always liked 5v5s or 6v6s over 8v8s. I also was quite bored of the Turkish scene of the game due to its stupid dramas, wanted to take a fresh air elsewhere. I have been playing multiplayer since 2011 and I recall seeing DoFs TW page that early, which was impressing for me, a clan with actual history. I was also wishing to switch to playing cavalry at the time, and, well, seeing how Varangian was playing at IG was impressive. The whole idea of 2 clan fighting together in tournaments was also intriguing for me too, Paladins and Defenders. But apart from these minor stuff, the main reason I wanted to be part of DoF was probably the "International" statement it had. I always wanted to improve my English, and there were people from different nationalities in the clan, which was quite new to me, while being not too crowded (changed in time:p got used to it though) and the whole NA part and events of the clan which was always delightful to join!
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? DoF has always been an overall positive experience for me but I must say that I have enjoyed the early PaD times more. I felt the environment was very sincere, and perhaps i have enjoyed it even more because I still played the game casually. I have also enjoyed spending time with some -gone- members like Noldor and Smiley, all the time I spent with them were golden (well not ALL with Smiley maybe:p) and I still spend a lot of time with them to this day. For specific moments that stand out, I remember back in 2014-2015 (not sure of date) in a 5v5 match against Wolfpack I was playing archer and I headshot 4 of them in a round (yeah, I could actually shoot people back then) and I was promoted right after that round despite being promoted the same week (we had a rank system in the past) it made me pretty happy at the time. Oddly enough I never got promoted again, lol. Our run in the ECS where we beat IR in that phenomenal match kind of taught me how to be a part of a team, and be happy for that team even when I was not playing. I also have enjoyed playing NA scrims when there were still matches around, people were really nice and the feeling of playing a scrim at 6 AM and going to school at 7 AM without sleep is unforgettable. And the last one will be of recent past, in WNL7 we have lost all of our matches decisively up until the demotion match against the Senate. No one expected us to win more than a few rounds, people were like why is this match even getting streamed (It was the stream I enjoyed watching most afterwards xD), etc. Then we won after playing really well, also winning all the rest of the matches with that momentum and(I think) organically forming a team that would be very bonded(as was PaD) and successful under the name of Dunno.
3. Favorite book? It is a little bit hard for me to put one of my books in front of another but if I chose one it would be the Silmarillion. I have always been fascinated about the Middle-Earth even when I was like 4-5 thanks to my brother (he still calls me a hobbit to this day xD) and my first attempt at reading Silmarillion was when I was 8. I actually read it all but I can't really say I understood much at the time:p Over the years I have read it several times, and I can say that Professor Tolkien and his brilliant usage of linguistics never cease to amaze me. I am also very fond of William Shakespeare, especially his poetry, the Sonnets are among my favorites. I would also like to mention Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayyam, I actually wanted to put his words as quotation line but the English translations are awful. And for the last one I want to mention The Mediterranean by Fernand Braudel (Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II is the full name) as my favorite academic book. It really gives the reader a new perspective on how to look at the past, and how the realities of a previous century can still be affecting our modern lives. I have learned what actually social sciences are and how they are all connected. It is a must read for anyone who is interested in history in my opinion, though the language might be rough for the newcomers.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I am not that into TV series but I definitely loved Leyla ile Mecnun (Turkish absurd comedy series, somehow very highly rated on IMDb lol). I liked Rome from HBO, I have also watched Vikings and Game of Thrones. Unlike series I am very much into movies, you can probably guess my favorite one, The Lord of The Rings. Epicness of LotR is unmatched in my opinion. Apart from it I really liked movies like the Dead Poets Society, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Amelie, 12 Angry Men, Truman Show and movies from Ingmar Bergman like The Wild Strawberries, Persona and The Seventh Seal.
5. Favorite music? I really don't have a favorite genre of music, but I know my favorite musician; Loreena McKennitt. I love how she can mix tones of different cultures in her works, like Irish pipes and harp mixed with Eastern qanun. It might sound weird in words, but it sounds perfectly fine in audio.I love how she can create songs from different cultural heritages and her voice is just too beautiful. I have had the privilege to enjoy her concert in Ankara on 30 June 2019, it was one of the best moments in my life.
Apart from Loreena I like the works of Sabaton. Even though I am not that into metal I just find their songs very powerful as they make them out of historic events, and I actually find it quite educative.
And lastly I would like to mention Model, a Turkish rock group which was disbanded in the recent years. I used to listen to them when I was having relationship issues, they verily assisted the rise of depression!
6. Favorite food and drink? I used to like eating pretty much everything you can think of. I loved hamburgers, pizzas, fried potatoes, basically everything unhealthy. But the favorite would be mantı, called Turkish Ravioli in English. For drinks it was basically the same, I liked everything really, liquored or not. But in the recent years I have decided to change course of things, and I have lost a lot of weight. I still like the “things” listed above but… my favorite food is yoghurt, and my favorite drink is green tea. Yes.
7. Favorite color? My favorite color is orange, there isn’t a specific reason behind it ( I don't secretly love the Netherlands) but it has always been like that even when I was little, and I try to use it whenever I can, like the color selection in CS:GO.
8. Favorite time of the year?
"When in the springtime of the year,
When the trees are crowned with leaves,
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair.
When owls call the breathless moon,
In the blue veil of the night.
The shadows of the trees appear,
Amidst the lantern light."
Who doesn't like a long walk on a bright may morning?
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I used to like football very much, both playing and watching, I was a loyal supporter of Beşiktaş, I loved playing Football Manager also. But nowadays I don't really enjoy it that much and I can say that my interests in football are gone forever. Apart from that, I like watching tennis and one day I would like to learn to play it. For e-sports no, not really but I always enjoyed watching e-sport documentaries, they are interestingly weird people. I want to be an e-sporter in Bannerlord btw. OH YES.
10. Do you have any pets? No, I never had any pets myself, but one day I might get a cat, as I like them very much. Despite not having a pet I can say that I have had my fair share of time with pets, as my grandmother has around 20 cats and 10 dogs. I have also had a fascination for horses even when I was a kid, I quite enjoyed the few times I had the chance to ride them, and I would like to befriend one in the future. Yeah, that is the second most important ambition that I will never achieve, only to be passed by owning a ship named Vingiloté.
11. Place you would love to travel to? I actually love travelling so much, especially the cultural trips. I would like to pretty much roam around the Mediterranean. I would set sail from the City of Constantine, to visit where Perikles thought and Leonidas fought. Then I would set sail to shores of the Cradle of Civilization to see the first cities of mankind. Then onto The Nile I would go, to see the Valley of Kings and the extent of human arrogance. Furthermore, on the route to Iberia I consider that the -ruins- of Carthage must be visited! Then I would visit the beautiful halls of
Al-Andalus, once great, but now gone. Then on my venture there I perhaps could see where Christopher Columbus set sail, finding a New World within the World, ending the supremacy of Our Sea. Then at last I would sail back to east, to Italy, to the city which all roads lead to, to see the legacy of those who built our world, those who made the sea their possession!
12. Most inspiring historical figure? As a kid I idealized Hannibal Barca for his perseverance, military genius (Battle of Cannae is a notable one) and perhaps his determined resistance against the Roman imperialism. I am also very much inspired by Mustafa Reşit Pasha for his efforts in making reform for the preservation of the country and its people, DESPITE the counter-efforts of the aforementioned. And lastly (and I think is the main answer here) Mehmed II the Conqueror. Not for being a conqueror that is, but for being a true Renaissance prince, despite the ruling elite of state, ahead of his time. Also when you look at his rivals in that period it is definitely the historical form of goddamned boss fights! Hunyadi Janos the White Knight of Hungary, Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) of Wallachia, Stephen the Great of Moldavia, Skanderbeg of Albania and Matthias Corvinus of Hungary, literally most famed leaders of their respected nations. A little trivia: Mehmed, Skanderbeg and Vlad were raised together in the Ottoman court and were actually friends in their youth.
13. Favorite games? Before Warband I played the original Mount and Blade a lot. I have also spent a lot of time With Fire and Sword too. Apart from MB series I really like grand strategy games like Victoria 2 (it is my favorite, very underrated), Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4. I also like HISTORICAL Total Wars, especially the early ones like Rome 1 and both Medieval 1 and 2. Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 3 are among my favorite games too. But apart from those, I really like games with linear storytelling, like the Life is Strange series, A Plague Tale of Innocence, Astrologaster, Telling Lies, 11-11 Memories Retold etc.
14. Describe your playing style? Well those of you who have played alongside me should have an idea about my play style, it is usually described as risky, suicidal, unpredictable, sneaky, crazy etc. This we all know. But let us look to the matter from my perspective for once, shall we? I like to watch the enemy move, I like to think as one of them, I like to have vision on what is going on in the battlefield, and I like to participate in the skirmishes that some of you enjoy calling dogfighting! I want to be near the enemy, without taking much attention, in order to be able to seize the moment when the right time comes. Being mounted gives you the ability to be mobile, you have like 10x chances of noticing the weakness of your enemy, but you are expected to stay behind the infantry line, WHAT KIND OF VILE MADNESS IS THIS?! Aye, my movement can be unpredictable for you lot, but it is also for the enemy. And an early kill or damage, or even a distraction can change the course of the main engagement, as it severely impacts the morale. Remember, supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting, this quote definitely means something else but there is no need to think much about it, after all, aren't quotations the act of repeating erroneously the words of another?
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Well as I have stated up there I like the mobility of cavalry and the vision it provides. But so far my experience with cavalry class in Bannerlord has not been very delightful, and as I did in Warband I will probably end up playing all classes probably. I have always liked archery in public game modes, and so far it is what I have been enjoying most in Bannerlord.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Phoenix
16. Ganni would like to know If you could spend a day with someone (In DoF), who would you choose? Well first of all I think it could be kind of awkward with only 2 people as you are actually meeting for the first time:p but as for choosing someone I don't think I would choose anyone of you over another. I mean I think most of you are interesting people, that is why I am part of this community after all. Sorry for the neutral answer, but as my imaginary tutor Emrah Safa Gürkan would say, This is the way of historians! By the way Ganni, I have been to Dubrovnik once and I honestly loved it! The old town, castle and the sea… Maybe next time you will show me around there?
17. Dangel is curious If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Ohh I think I would really love to live in Switzerland although I have never been there, I fancy mountains much, the untouched buildings and nature, and the chocolates! From outside it looks like a very relaxing place to live, but it has a one big con, there is no sea! Switzerlakes are not enough! But to be realistic, I think I would like to live in Bosnia, as their culture and traditions are very similar to ours, so that I would have less problems fitting in.The feeling of not living in a overpopulated city with the amazing green nature and mighty mountains with parts of Danube flowing everywhere around the country!
18. Oh Eärendil the Mariner, was your voyage to Valinor the only reason why Melkor lost asks Shinrog? My voyage into the lands of Valinor was just the final straw, the Valar were already aware of the perilous situation in Beleriand caused by Melkor, and my plea just hastened their reaction. After all it would not be very wise for us to think that Valar would not react to the valiant last stand of the great king Fingolfin ("Come open wide, dark king, your ghastly brazen doors! Come forth, whom Earth and Heaven abhors! I wait thee here. Come! Show thy face!"). The defeat and the perishment of Melkor at the War of Wrath was inevitable, as the light is always destined to prevail!
19. Darin is wondering What was the greatest empire in history and why? I could start comparing the many empires our World have witnessed, I could compare their periods of dominance, capability of their rivals, their military might or their ability to adapt to the winds of change. But all that would be a waste of time, as there is one that is unmatched in his imperium, like the One Ring of Sauron, “Primus inter pares” among empires, The Roman Empire. To support this assertion one could claim that the Roman legionaries were superior, or indicate the importance of the famed roads of the empire for mobile usage of troops, etc etc. These, in my opinion, are not much different than what other empires have achieved. What made the Romans so special was that they were the first to monopolize the trade of the Mediterranean, and their ability to hold it for a long time, unrivaled. They integrated the region into one, and after the fall of Western part, once prosperous provinces of the Empire were on the verge of poverty, urbanization process the cities have gone through were reversed, and the situation in the region would never be as stable again. Some parts of the Mediterranean world never fully recovered, like North Africa, once great ports that it had became havens for piracy in time. The system Romans created would never be fully re-establised again, and the region felt the socioeconomic consequences of it for many centuries. Many great emperors have tried to reclaim the Legacy of Rome, as it was a crown superior than the others, Justinian I, Charlemagne, Mehmed II, Charles Quint and many more, but none have succeeded.
20. Krex asking: Who is your favorite LotR character outside of the LotR/Hobbit movies and why?
There are so many interesting characters and stories in the lore of Tolkien, like the story of Earnur and his desperate march to Minas Morgul, or Gwindor and his fall from grace. The legendary last stand of King Fingolfin, who can forget that? Glorfindels duel with Balrog, and his prophecy at the Battle of Fornost, They are all unforgettable for me! But, hey, I am called Earendil for some reason, right? Earendil's unexpected voyage to Valinor when it all seemed to be lost, and returning with Valar on his side, can you imagine something cooler than that? How he wanted to chose a human life instead of elven, how he came to aid the Host of Valinor with eagles around his flying ship Vingiloté (“...Now fair and marvelous was that vessel made, and it was filled with a wavering flame...") when the tide of battle was turning and slew Ancalagon the Black? Do you still think he is not the best?! His duty after the battle was to guard sun and the moon till eternity, he guards the lights of the world in an universe where they have the most symbolic meaning ever!
Also don't forget that Earendil was the first character Tolkien created for his Legendarium back in 1914, inspired by these lines:
"éala éarendel engla beorhtast /// ofer middangeard monnum sended"
"Hail Earendel, brightest of angels /// sent over Middle-earth to men."
Bonus question by Erminas: What’s something you’d be happy doing every day for the rest of your life? Teaching. I really like the feeling when you are talking to a group of people who are actually interested in what you are saying and the feeling of appreciation they show after you have helped them to learn something new. I am actually pretty content with my life, I could keep doing what I do every day for the rest of my life, read books, play games and go walking every day!
Bonus question from Phoenix, to Earendil: When will you talk?
When broken shells make Christmas bells!
Thanks to Phoenix/Earendil for joining us in this week's edition of MMM blog. This was historic one! The longest and in this editor's humble opinion the best written blog to the date
Next week, it's NA member's turn so we will have Syreth joining us! So make sure to tune in for his interview next Monday.
Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!
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