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Meet the Member Monday - Shinrog

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Shinrog 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


So, Hi. I'm John, 18. I'm currently the world record holder (not officially) for the highest ping. I'm currently in high school and are actually taking all my classes in college, so technically in college also. I've loved Warband ever since I discovered it, and just loved games like it. I'm currently addicted to CK2, EU4, and Stellaris, but I haven't played Warband in a while for some reason. Let's see whats in store for the Ping King.

Favorite Quote/Line: Keep your ping high for the Ping King!

1. How and why did you join DoF? I vaguely remember just right after leaving IG, I saw the DoF thread on the Forum and decided to apply right then and there. I don't remember exactly why, but all I know is that I don't regret it. 2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Probably last year's Xmas game, or was it at the end of the year? Anyway, had a lot of fun playing around with you at that time. 3. Favorite book? I don't have a single one, but rather all of Tolkien's works. I love them, and would one day hope to write such works as he managed to produce. 4. Favorite movies and tv shows? LotR and The Hobbit are up there. Interstellar probably takes the cake though. The movie and effects were magnificent and just stunning to me. 5. Favorite music? Don't really have any favorite genre, but rather I listen to whatever sounds good to me. That could range from classical to Sabaton. 6. Favorite food and drink? Soda, hands-down favorite drink, and I'm probably addicted to the stuff. Favorite food is a tie between the hamburger or the pizza, I can't choose between those two! 7. Favorite color? It was green for my entire life, but recently I've taken a liking to purple. I don't know why I made the switch, but I started to like purple more. 8. Favorite time of the year? As in season? Winter, and when it snows. I love the snow so much, the air is great around that time. 9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I've never really been into esports or sports. It's never really been my thing. 10. Do you have any pets? Yes, a dog named Desi, and a cat named Benji. They are both sweethearts. 11. Place you would love to travel to? Probably somewhere cold and snowy all year round. I hear Greenland and Iceland are great. 12. Most inspiring historical figure? Alexander the Great. That man never lost a battle and managed to conquer most of the known world at the time. You'll never find such a person ever again. 13. Favorite games? Warband is up there, same as CK2 and EU4, but I have to go with Stellaris. That game made my imagination run wild, and has actually helped me start the basis of a book series I plan to write! 14. Describe your playing style? Play until you find something that works and stick with it unless you find something better. If all else fails, cheat. 15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Don't remember the actual classes, but I remember I had a fun time playing on the Empire with my mace. Made me feel like Sauron from that LotR movie scene.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Shinrog


16. Erminas is wondering Who is you favorite actor/actress? I don't really have one that comes so up, I watch movies and tv as much as the other guy, but I don't really go to certain movies just because an actor/actress is in it. 17. Why is your ping sky high asks Gadric? It is a requirement for my ping to be as such for the Ping King. In all seriousness though, I think it's because of where my room is in my house. It was described as a "dark spot" when it came to an internet connection, and it's always been that way as such. 18. Erminas is interested in What would you do if you won the lottery? Officially or unofficially? Officially it would depend on what amount, as there would be a certain amount that would cause me to just drop everything and run somewhere and hide for the rest of my life. Unofficially, ehh, let's just say I would spend some time in very specific counties in Nevada for a month or more, depending on what I would have won. 19. Darin wants to know if you play any table top games, either role playing, war games, board games, card games etc? I've never really been into things like that. My affinity has always been video games and nothing on tabletop or with cards, 20. Do you have any hobbies apart from gaming asks Erminas? I write on a blue moon, read a lot, but nothing really in the case of a hobby. It's either school or games honestly.

That's all from me folks, and remember, keep your pings high for the ping king.


Thanks to Shinrog for joining us in this week's blog.

We are kicking off next year with Xcalibur being our blog's interviewee!

Join us for his interview next Monday. It's bound to be one of a kind!

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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