Welcome to 43rd edition of our blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Sid 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hi, well you call me Sid, its a short name of my real one after all. What can I say, Sid is an
IT dude, also an amateur photographer who enjoys gaming since I was a kiddo to be honest.
Been playing Mount&Blade series since 2010 which made me the best African player xD??
JK well its sucks that I rarely find players from my country, or at least neighboring countries.
Still it was always joyful to play in EU servers, some are bit toxic, some are fun, it's part of the game I believe.
Favorite Quotes/Lines: I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not. -Kurt Cobain
1. How and why did you join DoF? DoF was always an interesting place for me tbh, first I wanted to join after I played for TCV as free agent. After they forfeit I wanted to join you guys. I remember sending a hello to Karatak to talk about it but he started being inactive, then I joined Vineyard Workers [VW]. The fact that I liked DoF is I even tried to bring some first team players for VW Division A season tourney. Anyways me and couple dudes had to leave, then I was busy with some personal stuff. I noticed my dudes joined DoF, so I decided to join them, while still being inactive, now here I am, and I`m glad to be here.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? I`d say even though I haven't played much Clan Wars yet with you guys but each one is super fun. One of my favorite moments is to see KSHMR sweat x)
3. Favorite book? I`d say The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? The list is so damn big x)
For TV shows :
The Originals
Penny Dreadful
The Exorcist
For movies :
Mr nobody
I origins
The conjuring and insidious series
The exorcism of Emily Rose
The count of Monte Cristo
5. Favorite music? Rock and punk music, and metal.
6. Favorite food and drink? Rice and tea x)
7. Favorite color? The absence of colors : BLACK.
8. Favorite time of the year? I`d say winter times.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams?
Football yes. and its AC Milan.
10. Do you have any pets? Three adorable cats.
11. Place you would love to travel to? Norway-Switzerland , a desirable destination for every nature lover and photographer.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Saladin
13. Favorite games?
The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
Red Dead Redemption 2
Mount & Blade series
Silent Hill & Resident Evil series
14. Describe your playing style? In Bannerlord? I guess as cavalry I play bit more aggressive.
It depends on the opponent tbh, mostly surviving is more important against good teams.
15. What is your main class in Bannerlord? Cavalry.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Sid
16. Messius is curious What is your favorite part of your nation's / country's history?
Algerian`s Revolution Day and Independence day, against France.
17. Tom would like to know What do you enjoy the most about your day to day life?
I enjoy the things that makes me chill, Traveling/Gaming etc.
18. Karatak asking: Your Top 3 funny moments in Bannerlord?
-Bannerlord it self is a meme tbh
-I remember once playing with VW against BT I think, game started and Hisoka started teamkilling us. I was like wtf Kwen was telling Hisoka: "HISOKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING xD".
It seems that BT requested a restart but we didn't see it, only Hisoka did
-Beast 6 Vineyard Workers [VW] vs Keyboard Warriors [KW], there was a close round, fighting 6vs6 at flag it was intense messy fight both playin for morale. I killed some and teamkilled
some xd yet we won the game. I still have the all on recordings.
19. ImpaledWater is wondering: What is your current driving force in life? Family.
20. Darin would like to know What is your favorite musician/band/composer/musical artist?
My Chemical Romance.
And now the round of bonus questions! They are mainly food related:p
By ImpaledWater: Favourite things to cook on the bbq? Coutlette.
By Messius: How would you describe your national cuisine? It has some really interesting stuff. Most of its soups are ranked top 10 worldwide, you should try them one day.
By KSHMR: What’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen? My own existence in the kitchen is a screw up.
By Erminas: What is in your opinion your country's biggest gift to the World/Humanity?
The fight for freedom, it gave sparkle to many countries to win it's independence.
By White Noise: What (positive and negative) differences have you recognized between DoF and other teams you played in so far? Does DoF stand out?
Its a chill environment, has no drama or toxicity , and no dictatorship.
None that I have seen tbh.
By Erminas: According to Google Algerians are extremely hospitable. Judging by just meeting and talking to you Google is spot on. So my question would be if you can describe a bit what does this claim entail (Like what usually are welcoming traditions, customs and habits)? You know, what is the usual way of greeting a guest in your country? In our tradition when a guest arrives , YOU have to take him in feed him and greet them in the best way possible. Its a matter of manners. I believe our country is the most interesting place to visit, because its not well known yet, which is a good thing for both the country and the tourists. Sometimes tourisms ruins countries, but here, it has nature and climate diversity, which can be unique.
By Tom: How did you become a AC Milan fan? Thanks to my late father..
When I was a kid I used to watch football with him, having no idea the names of teams etc. Somehow I only wanted to watch the red and black team, seeing their aggressive and beautiful play. My father noticed that and brought me a AC Milan t-shirt , and taught me about them.
It was then, 2002, when I fell in love with the team.
Thank you for sharing Sid, it's a good read :)
We are very grateful you joined us, both as a clan, and in this interview.
We are really looking forward to spending more time with you and we hope this will be your home and place where you can relax and where we will share many good times and adventures together in best possible DoF Way!!!
Next up to be interviewed is our Canadian member: Impaled Water!
You can read his blog same place same time next Monday. Till then, stay well!
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