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Meet the Member Monday - Snick

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

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We asked Snick 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Heya. I'm Snick. You probably know that I'm from Texas, because just like a vegan, it's one of my defining personality traits. I'm currently in high school and am doing school in person with about 40% of the original capacity. I like to lecture Europeans on US history but that's all in the past now. Can't really think of much else to say. Lived a pretty uneventful life up until this year.

Favorite Quotes/Lines:

"We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of what's different... well, who knows." - Meowth

"If we threw all our problems into a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back."

- Regina Brett

1. How and why did you join DoF? I was starting to get worn out of Last Oasis after over 100 hours on it and cheaters taking over the game, so I was looking for a kinda similar game and found M&B2. I started looking for a group to join, and on the TW forums, DoF showed up as the first group so I just went for it and invited myself into the discord server. I applied and now I'm here.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? We were in a training session and I just started teaching my team about the US Civil War. I quite frankly have no clue why I did this or why it's important, but it just kinda stands out.

3. Favorite book? The Maze Runner series by James Dashner (hey, that's my first name!)

4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Favorite movies are probably Marvel movies, and my favorite TV show is Survivor. Bit disappointed with the outcome of season 40, but it's okay.

6. Favorite food and drink? Dumplings. I don't care what's in them, just give me dumplings. Favorite drink is dumpling sauce.

7. Favorite color? Lime green.

8. Favorite time of the year? Summer.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I am, and from what I've noticed, not many are. Besides DoF, my favorite esports teams are the Houston Outlaws (Overwatch League) and Dignitas (LoL, CSGO, Rocket League). Sports wise, the Texans, the Rockets, and the Astros (Football (American), Basketball, Baseball).

10. Do you have any pets? I have 2 dogs, Goldie and Coco, a guinea pig, Blizzard, and a crested gecko, Lu Ten.

11. Place you would love to travel to? I've always wanted to go to Italy, mostly Venice. I'm not a history person or anything, but it's such a fascinating place.

12. Most inspiring historical figure? Neil Armstrong. Set foot on the moon. Space is such a fascinating thing and he was the first one to go to another "planet." Takes a lot of bravery to do that.

13. Favorite games? Bannerlord of course, Overwatch, and CSGO. I'm actually pretty decent at Overwatch. The game itself isn't extremely fun but I'm good at it, so I'm trying to climb the ranked leader boards in it and win some tournaments.

14. Describe your playing style? I usually play tanks in games like League of Legends and Overwatch. My playstyle is to sit in the frontlines and go for their backlines, but be beefy enough to escape if I need to. If I can kill people or I can absorb damage, why shouldn't I just do both?

15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? I enjoy playing cavalry but I'm not that great at it. Infantry will probably be my main since it's kind of like playing a tank or frontline character.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Snick


16. Is everything really bigger in Texas, asks Surreal. I know it's just an expression, but kinda yeah. We hold the record for the worlds longest car wash and I've also been told that our egos are pretty large as well. I can't really deny that. When you're from the only state that's ever been an independent country and the biggest state in mainland USA, you have a right to brag.

17. Beeflip would like to know What's your favorite water bottle company? Water bottle company or bottled water company? Don't worry, I'll answer both. My favorite water bottle company is Yeti. They make really good, sturdy products. They're a bit expensive, but you get a quality product. My favorite bottled water company is Fiji water. It's expensive for bottled water so I rarely have it but there's something about drinking water from a tropical island that just feels amazing.

18. Krex is curious What's the most interesting thing you've ever learned in school? The Revolutionary War was a really good one. A rag tag, farmer country that was able to defeat the country with the best navy and one of the best armies at the time. Really fascinating how well trained soldiers who get paid to do that can get defeated by some farmers who just want freedom and the right to vote.

Also, isn't it interesting how you can have a job and get taxed without representation if you're under the age of 18, as you can't vote in public elections. Sounds like taxation without representation to me...

19. Paul asking: Who is the most charismatic figure in your life and why? Thought about this one for a while. I'd have to say that it's my middle brother. He's... 5 years older than me? He doesn't always act like a nice guy, but he is. I know that he cares, just doesn't always show it. We're pretty similar to each other, personality wise. He's never yelled at me, not seriously, to my knowledge, unlike my oldest brother. Great guy all around.

20. Erminas is wondering What celebrity would you like to be roommate with? Jeff Probst. Maybe he could get me to the cast of Survivor...

And now the round of Bonus questions:

Question by Erminas: What song would you sing at Karaoke night? "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. Maybe pickup a girl on the way out, you never know.

Question by Biladinn: Why did you chose Snick as your name? I stole it.

Question by Paul: What is your aspiration being as a young man? Money.

Question by Berta: What's your favorite chocolate bar and why is it Snickers? My favorite candy bar is honestly a good ol King size Hershey bar. Snickers is probably number 3, behind a dark chocolate milky way bar.

Question by Paul: What's your opinion of the young male being classified as the root cause of the modern worlds failures? To be honest I don't even know. Some whamen probably started it up (no, some whamen for sure started it up) and we can't just be judging people based on gender. It's really the people who are spreading these thins that are the root of evil. Now, of course, we need to have genders. I don't wanna try and get a date and it turns out to be a dude. But, man. I haven't even been alive for 20 years and I'm already a problem. Very reassuring and I for sure won't think anything negatively of those people in 20 or 30 years.

Question by JukeBox: Who are your favorite Bannerlord players? Beeflip, Ale, and... I guess JukeBox.


Thanks to Snick for taking his time to do this interview for our MMM blog.

It's always good to see potential long term members integrate themselves perfectly within DoF.

Who know, maybe Snick will stay here for decades to come, just like our Old Guard members plan to do! DoF for Life!

Right... sry got carried away a bit. Karatak is next! Read his interview next Monday and lets see what this Prolish (pro+Polish) has to say!

Thank you for reading this week's blog, cya next week ppl!


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