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Meet the Member Monday Special - Viglaf

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Welcome to the Special edition of our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

For this Special edition of MMM blog we are taking you back into past.

This article was made by Aeronwen for M&B Comp.

Viglaf got chance to talk about DoF in this interview. Enjoy reading it.


"What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals! " - Hamlet

One of the big matches of week 5 of the #WNL5 is Teutonic v DoF. DoF are currently 4th on the league table having won 3 of their 4 matches so far. Teutonic are at 16th place having won 2 of 4 matches. Yet Teutonic picked to play DoF this week. MnBComp talked to DoF's Viglaf about the tournament so far and their upcoming match.

1. Defenders of Faith are now one of the oldest clans in the game, celebrating their 5th anniversary recently. What is the secret to longevity as a clan, in your opinion? There are several factors that need to be in order for a clan to survive as well as last as a good clan. All of those factors points back to one thing.... Activity! Without activity from members and leaders there can be no clan. To keep the activity up, you need to have decent amount of events each week, so the clan itself is also active. Next is to have a healthy and active forum. With that, like Taleworlds forum, you can post whatever you want and know more of your members perhaps as well as talk of other things than Warband which strengthens the team spirit and you end up befriending your members a bit more. We of course also use our forum to post events and everything about the clan. Which makes it easier for members to see and that'll allow them to have an overview of things, instead of just relying on Steam or TS. Having a good clan atmosphere is also a vital part. Have clear rules and guidelines and be strict when it comes to bad behavior within the clan to keep troublemakers out. I can keep going but I think I've made my point. DoF have lasted this long because of good leaders, such as Erminas and Darin, that have kept DoF active and strong in spirit, even in dark times when it looked bad for DoF and have had good loyal members throughout the whole way.

2. DoF are currently 4th in the league, joint with several other teams. As we go into the 5th week with 3 matches left it looks like the top 8 spots will be hotly contested. How do you rate your performance so far and who are your closest competitors? Our performances have been superb so far. Over the past tournaments we've become better and better, and this tournament we've played much more stable and our performance have been higher than usual. So far so good. As for closest competitors? It's hard to tell. The league table as it is right now is very close and therefore I dare not try to guess whom we might have to compete with for the top 8. A lot can happen in 3 matches, so we'll just have to wait and see.

3. It could be argued that DoF are rated relatively low vs other teams, but you manage some great results, noticeably defeating IR in the ECS, defeating RNGD this WNL, and drawing with Castellans in the last. Do you feel you're underrated and why, if so? I believe we are underrated by most players in this community, not because they don't like us (I hope!) but perhaps because we've never managed to win or get a noticeable standing in an EU tournament, like WNL, ECS, etc. But I think the tide is about to change, if we can keep our performance up in this WNL. I don't mind being a bit underrated, as it can lead to a surprise rather than a disappointment on all sides of the table.

4. This week is the first time River Village is played in the WNL, with a mixed response from the community so far. DoF have played it in two other tournaments so far, has this affected your confidence and how do you perform on it? I'm glad that we already have experience on the map which will help us when it comes to tactics. As for the map itself, I don't think it's a bad map, but it is not one of my favorites either. We've performed quite well on it but it isn't our best map. It helps a lot when you've played on the map before so we should have our confidence at the same level as in the past 4 matches this WNL season.

5. You face Teutonic, an old Turkish clan with some experienced members who have had mixed results this season. How do you rate your chances and what advantages will you be looking for going into the match? Teutonic have always been a good strong clan and I look forward to meet them in our 5th match of this WNL season. We're preparing for this match as we would against any other opponent and I believe our chances will depend on how prepared we are and how well we perform of course but we should have a decent chance of winning or at least be able to show that we want to win. I think this match will be a good one and hopefully one that'll let the best team win and as for whom that might be... We'll hopefully find out soon enough.


Thanks for (re)reading this special edition of our blog. Next week, we will have one of our long time members joining us. It's Turkish dude Earendil aka Phoenix.

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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