Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
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We asked Surreal 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Favorite Quotes/Lines:
“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” - George Washington
“Well, I ain't always right but I've never been wrong
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song” - Robert Hunter
“You gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?” - Josey Wales
1. How and why did you join DoF? Well it sort of happened by accident really. I was invited to join a Bannerlord skirmish team by Ordyn that he was calling OG. The team was basically a DoF - OE hybrid. There I met Beeflip, Alejandro, and Squeaks. After the tournament OG dissolved but us 4 kept playing together, and when NABB popped up I knew I wanted to stay on a team with them. They ended up calling the team DoF even though it only had like 4 DoF members on it. In the end everyone who was on the team aside from Vorn ended up joining DoF officially anyway.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Definitely the NABB tournament. Had a ton of fun with all the guys and couldn’t see myself in any other clan having the same experiences.
3. Favorite book? I’m not much of a reader but would have to say Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. They’re the only book series I’ve committed enough to actually read through.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? I’m a huge fan of Westerns. Other than that I like Star Wars and LOTR. For TV shows I would say Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead.
5. Favorite music? Pretty Much everything. I like Rock, Americana, Folk, Reggae, Country/Western, Grunge, and Funk. I especially like jambands and live music. I don’t think there's any genre of music I hate, just ones I like more than others.
6. Favorite food and drink? Fried Chicken and Waffles. Also a good Pizza can be heavenly. I like Dr. Pepper a lot :p
7. Favorite color? Don’t really have one. Red maybe? Blue? Idk, I'll go with blue
8. Favorite time of the year? Can change a lot. I really like Early fall when it's still warm. Summers where I am mean temps of 85-100 most days and winters mean temps of 30-50. Early fall is like 65-75 most days and that's the best, not to mention the trees start to get some color.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I was into (American) football when I was younger, and my dad’s team was the Washington Redskins so it became my team too. I also used to be into competitive CS:GO (even though I personally am terrible) and used to really like Team Liquid.
10. Do you have any pets? Not currently, but over the course of my life I’ve had 2 dogs, a turtle, a couple fish, and a couple frogs.
11. Place you would love to travel to? I would love to go out west to Arizona/New Mexico, I'm actually planning a road trip out to the Grand Canyon with a friend this winter. I would also love to go to the Carribean and Europe.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? George Washington. He was born like less than an hour from where I live and I’ve always looked up to him since I was a kid. Also Abraham Lincoln. Although not a single figure, I’ve always admired the Harlem Hellfighters; they just have such a cool history.
13. Favorite games? Warband, Black Ops II, Assault Squad 2, EUIV/CK2/HOI4, Rimworld, and RDR2.
14. Describe your playing style? I’m pretty aggressive. I prefer to push rather than sit back. Sometimes this results in me dying early, sometimes it results in me getting an early kill. It's a pretty risky style but it's fun and when it pays off it can be great.
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Cavalry/Infantry
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Surreal
16. Snick is curious How are you so surreal? Yes.
17. JukeBox asking: Do you think Bannerlord is a bad game? Games ****
18. Erminas is wondering Do you, at any point of its development stage, see Bannerlord becoming a popular MP game or maybe even an esport title?
It will never be a big Esport like Dota or CS, but it could gain a cult following. I really don’t see anymore people then a couple hundred tuning into tournaments though at a peak. While Mount & Blade is a wildly popular series, the multiplayer is very niche, even more so for the serious competitive side.
19. Biladinn would like to know Why u don't have picture on your discord avatar?
Haven't found one I liked enough :)
20. Political question by Beeflip: Are you a soviet sympathizer and holodomor Denier?
No that’s Canton.
Bonus question by Erminas: Do you think that aliens exist? Honestly idk. The universe is so big that the chances that there is life out there seem high to me, but I don’t think the question will ever be answered for sure. There's some recently released US Navy footage of suspected UFOs where even the pilots were pretty sure it wasn’t anything human. In any case, I'm rather torn, but would probably say yes.
Thanks to Surreal for taking his time to answer these questions for our weekly blog
Since his arrival to DoF he has proved to be exceptional player (NA Champ!) as well as very nice person in general. We in DoF are very happy to have him as one of our members and hopefully in the years to come he will become on of the pillars of our NA side!
Join me next week to read blog from another very VERY VERY nice guy. It's Roemersa!
Thank you for reading this week's blog, stay classy:)
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