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Meet the Member Monday - Viglaf

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Viglaf 15 standard questions from our Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Hey! My name is Viglaf, which is also my real name or rather my middle name. I'm twenty-four years old and live in Denmark, with my girlfriend (Fun fact, she is from Sweden). In a town called Sorø (Soroe). I'm an educated Car Mechanic (Takes 4 years and was done in 2015) and I have, later on, become an Elechtromechanic for Renault (2017). So I work with Renault cars at a authorized car dealership and I enjoy it a lot. I will keep doing so until I win the lottery. I have played on computer since I was 5 years old and stood behind my father, watching him play with HUGE eyes and I have ever since been stuck in front of a computer. 

Favorite Quote/Line: What we do in life echoes in Eternity!

1. How and why did you join DoF? I was leader of the clan called PRT - Paladins of the round table. Which was an NA clan until I took over due to inactivity from the NA leaders. At the time we didn't have that many members, due to most NA members leaving to join another NA clan, so when I started PRT in EU, we weren't that many. I first met DoF during a friendly scrim we had against each other, which PRT won if I recall correctly ;) . We had a fun and good scrim which led to more scrims and eventually we ended up forming an alliance known as "PaD" - Paladins and Defenders. Which was the name we used during tournaments, we joined together in the EU scene. At the time DoF didn't have that many EU members, so it suited both clans well. PaD was formed around the end of 2012. Due to lack of members joining PRT, I ended up joining DoF and ended up taking the active members from PRT with me. It felt naturally to do so, as we played with DoF members so often anyway. So it was really just a matter of changing the tags and I have of course been in DoF since then.

2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Oh, there are so many! - The trainings we had on our custom training maps. - All the moments where we would join random siege or battle servers and just have fun. - Pick-up parties where we would pick 2 leaders and have random teams and just have fun scrims. - All the moments where I got the opportunity to say a few jokes during scrims. Which we all know are the best and not at all alike to "Dad" jokes. Perhaps I laugh the most at my own jokes but at least someone is laughing. I'm actually laughing right now as I'm writing this and so should you! - Carry you guys during scrims. - The above was of course a joke or was it? Sometimes I forget how good I am, so it might be true! - Anyway, let's carry on with the list. Sorry about that. - Just one thing before I continue with the list. I just wanted to say that I'm trying to make as many answers, to live up to the two member interviews before me! How am I doing? - To be honest, every time I sit down to play with you guys, being in Warband, Bannerlord or any other game, I'm having a really good time, so I don't really have that many favorite moments to mention, as pretty much all we do is a joy for me. - People avoiding me in Teamspeak because they think I'm weird. No wonder. - I'm going to eat dinner now, so I'll stop the list here. Be sure to read my answers to the next questions as well!

3. Favorite book? There are plenty of good books out there! I like to read about vikings(Of course) and the roman era. One of my absolute favorite book series, is "The last Kingdom" By Bernard Cornwell, which has also been made into a series on Netflix, but it's not even as good as the books, which are still being written. Read it, it's about vikings! If you want something with Romans in it, I recommend the bookseries called "Eagles of the Empire" By Simon Scarrow.

4. Favorite movies and tv shows?

- Deer hunter. - Gladiator - Godfather 1, 2, 3. - Annabelle and The Conjuring(All of them). - Braveheart. - Band of Brothers. - Interstellar. - Broen (The bridge). - Peaky Blinders. - The Crown. - Every film staring Clint Eastwood. Because he is badass. - The King's choice. - All of the 007 James Bond films. - Family Guy. - The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. - GoodFellas. And many more!

5. Favorite music? Rock. Older rock mostly. Bands such as, Thin Lizzy, AC/DC, Guns & Roses, Queen, Journey, Eagles, Toto and many more. I can listen to Pop, techno and other kind of music as well. Just not Rap, can't stand it.

6. Favorite food and drink? Anything with Pork is good.

I love Pepsi with Jim beam (bourbon). 7. Favorite color? Blue. I also have a blue car. So all I need now is a blue house with a blue little window and a blue girlfriend.

8. Favorite time of the year? Summer and autumn.

9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? That would be a No. 10. Do you have any pets? I do not. I once had fish, if that counts? 11. Place you would love to travel to? England, USA and Australia. I have already been in USA but I would love to return. 12. Most inspiring historical figure? Oh tough one! I think I will go with: Svend Tveskæg/Forkbeard (Harold "Bluetooth" Gormson, son) who conquered England and his son, Knud/Canute the great was crowned King of Denmark, England, Norway and some parts of Sweden as well. Viking power!

13. Favorite games? - Warband. - Company of Heroes. - The modern warfare series of Call of Duty plus the first Call of Duty along with the extension called United offensive (Had a server in this game called HT Vikings, on the gamemode Deathmatch. Good times). - Battlefield. - Crusader Kings 2 - Hitman series. - Rome Total War 1. - Medieval Total War. - Max Payne 2 - Quake 3. And many more I can't be bothered to list here :p

14. Describe your playing style? In it to win it and if it looks like I'm not going to win then I'm in it to have fun. I like to be a defensive player and wait for the best opportunity to get my kills. Some would say I am a camper, I call it tactical defending. I am after all a Defender of Faith, so it suits me well. 15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Right now, I'm doing great as Infantry, so I think that will be my main class. It might change however because in Warband my main class was infantry as well but that changed to cavalry later on. So it might be the same in Bannerlord, but for now it's Infantry. I'm doing good as archer also, so it's really an open game. I think it all depends on what we need in our future Bannerlord scrims that will decide it. I think however that we're all stuck on our Warband classes, so I doubt a lot of changes will be made to peoples main classes. We'll see though!


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Viglaf


16. In your opinion Who is the most successful (most badass) Viking leader and why is that so, asks Phoenix? Not sure if it's the Vikings show you're asking about? If so here is my answer: I haven't watched all the seasons yet of vikings (I Know, a disgrace). I however really like Ivar the boneless aka Ivar Benløs (After Ragnar dies of course). He is a no nonsense viking, who doesn't take shit from no one! Plus that he is a cripple, just earns more respects for what he can do! But more importantly he shows great intellect, for which he was also known. If it's not about the Vikings show, then take a look at question 12 for my answer + Svend Tveskæg all the way! He took the throne from his father, Harold Bluetooth, and disliked the Christianity, that his father had brought to Denmark. He also started raids again and is known as a warrior king and are mostly referred to as "The Last Viking King" of Denmark. For that I admire him. He was king of Denmark 986–1014 and king of England for 5 weeks or so before he died.

17. William is curious What was your first impression of DoF, as the leader of another clan (PRT) at the time? These people are weird. I'll fit right in! Joke aside. I thought it was a good clan with good members, who knew how to have fun. And for me that was enough. It would never work if it's all too strict and DoF have always had the right balance between having fun and being serious. Most importantly I could get DoF members to laugh at my jokes. That was enough for me to start an alliance with you guys back then.

18. Erminas is asking What was your favorite class in the school and why? Danish! So I doubt any of you here can beat me in that. But the reason why I suppose is that I was best at Danish classes than any other classes :) I also enjoyed History a lot, as well as English (I know right, you wouldn't believe I had English classes. But it's true, I tell you!) I was good at math, but it bored me, haha.

19. Darin wants to know What's your favorite historical weapon? I don't know! Never really thought about it. - Any viking sword really! - Caltrops, used by the Romans as anti-cav/man personnel weapon. Simple but great design of sharp nails that always have one pointing upwards when you throw them on the ground.

20. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be asks Erminas? This is the question I've used most time on answering and it's just a simple question! Damn it Erminas! I don't know! If I had to pick one I would go with uhm... uhm... Hold on. Almost got it. I'm clapping my hands while trying to figure out which animal to choose. You can do the same while you read this. It's fun, try it. I just came up with a new melody while doing this! It's amazing. Too bad you can't hear it. Alright, I finally know what to answer and it will be: A Dog. Mans best friend! What else to pick. I thought about picking a Lion, because badass. I also thought about a sloth but perhaps that is a tad too boring. My second pick is a bird. That way I could see the world! Conclusion to all this is: I would choose a dog with wings.


Thanks to Viglaf for joining us in this week's blog.

Next week on our MMM blog we will have our lovely NA member CreamPie!

Join us for her interview next Monday.

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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