Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
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We asked Violet 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hello I am Remco, in the community I am mostly known as Violet but also as The Golden Windmill. I am 25 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I work in the catering industry in Belgium, so I live against the Belgium border close to my good friend Gadric. My hobbies were football and gaming but because of a few surgeries on my legs I am not allowed to do that an anymore so my hobby consist now out of gaming, gaming and gaming!
Favorite Quote/Line: "Why you do dis!!??" – Violet
1. How and why did you join DoF? I merced a while for DoF and played a lot of games with them and Erminas kept on pestering me to join, so I caved in. Erminas Why you do dis!!?? That's how I joined DoF.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? In the competitive scene, when I was still mercing for them there was a tourney were we played good together. In random stuff, I still get favorite moments every day just by having fun with the DoF members and friends.
3. Favorite book? Does manga count?? Right now I like solo leveling a lot.
4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Like everyone, Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit I enjoyed a lot. I also like John Wick, Saving Private Ryan, Rambo and the list keeps going.
5. Favorite music? I like Linkin Park and a lot of random songs from Nightcore.
6. Favorite food and drink? I like Fast-food a lot, fries, pizza, wraps, kebab and keep it going.
7. Favorite color? My favorite color is purple I also like red and black.
8. Favorite time of the year? Summer everything else is just to cold.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? Yes I am a fan but I prefer to play myself so I lose interest really fast. And for teams it switches on and off but mainly the teams who really deserve to win.
10. Do you have any pets? Not my pets, but we have two dogs on my dads side and two dogs on my moms side and she has like a small zoo in her back yard.
11. Place you would love to travel to? I still want to travel to China, Japan and meet the (doofies) DoF members.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Mostly game based Oda Nobunaga, Alexander the Great, Hannibal Barkas.
13. Favorite games? This changes with how I feel and what my friends play at the moment I like playing EU4 or Totalwar Warhammer by myself and CSGO, Hunt Showdown or Warband/Bannerlord with friends.
14. Describe your playing style? My style differs with my mood and the game, I can also try to change my playing style to suit the team or needs.
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Probably one of the million archers.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Violet
16. Darin asking What's your favorite anime and what is the worst anime you have ever seen?
My favorite anime is Quanzhi Gaoshou (The King's Avatar) its about a E-sports gamer waiting for next season.
The worst anime I have seen I don't know an anymore, I completely forgot and have not put the name on my list of anime I have watched.
17. Erminas is wondering What is the dumbest commercial you’ve ever seen? You watch commercials what are those? When a commercial comes up I always try to skip but the most annoying lately is about World of Empires or something.
18. Darin would like to know What is something about your home country (the Netherlands), that people not from there probably don't know? That we were the only one allowed to dock in Japan on single port for a long time. Everything else find out more here:
19. Do you believe in any conspiracy theories asks Erminas? Yes I do believe that Flanders will join the Netherlands or that the Netherlands will declare war on Belgium and reclaim Flanders. You guys are still welcome Flemish people.
20. Gadric asking Who's your favorite waifu? Beside you, Kohath, Alejandro, Ganni, Tom, Whitey, Erminas and like every other DoF member lol. It is Rias Gremory from highschool DxD. Still waiting on a body pillow from all of you.
Bonus question by Earendil: Oh Remco the Golden Windmill, grace us with this secret knowledge, how can one obliterate the Ottoblob in EU4?
There are multiple ways to defeat the Ottoblob:
1. You become the Ottoblob
2. You are Byzantium bring a bigger navy and use allies and Skanderbeg to destroy Ottoblob.
3. You play as a major nation like France, Austria, Poland or Castile and become bigger than the Ottoblob and than you kill them
4. You make like 6 alliances and attack them up from all sides
5. Go to your game files and delete Ottoblob from the game if this doesn't work you uninstall the game and never play it again :)
In the end either Ottoblob eats you or you eat the Ottoblob!
Thanks to Violet for joining us in this week's edition of MMM blog.
Next week, it's NA member's turn so we will have Alejanbro joining us! So make sure to tune in for his interview next Monday.
Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!
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