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We asked WhiteNoise 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Hi! My name is Christian, aka White Noise. I’m from Germany in 23 years old. Currently I’m studying Business informatics in my hometown Fulda, where I also help students learning programming with Java. I’m currently single and a PC gamer, although I played a lot of PS2 in my childhood. My hobbies are playing guitar (both electric and acoustic), writing poetry and going to the gym.
Favorite Quote/Line: Knowledge is power, guard it well!
1. How and why did you join DoF? I lead my own clan called Habichtorden (HO) from 2010 to 2015. To finish my school i gave up my position as Clan leader, months later my clan disbanded. Therefore, i searched for a new community to play with. We knew DoF and Wolfpack very well for a couple of years and since Wolfpack was suffering an internal crisis, i decided to join the Defenders of Faith. Since then, i went with them through good and bad times, meeting new friends and having a lot of fun.
2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Too many to pick a favorite. I remember the crazy rocket league sessions (sometimes with amazing political debates) as well as the few glorious moments as host for trainings or as commander, i was glad that people actually understood the mess hat came up in my brain and came out of my mouth :) 3. Favorite book? Lord of the rings, I’m also a big fan of the Eragon books. Basically, all fantasy stuff. Reading a few self-improvement books as well but can’t pick a favorite right now. 4. Favorite movies and tv shows? Movies is quite difficult. I recall liking Aquaman a lot, to name a recent film, otherwise i’m more into classics like the old Star Wars films or Bud / Spencer movies.
5. Favorite music? A whole mix between Classic and Heavy Metal, including Folk and a few rap artists. My favorite band of all time is Blind Guardian, releasing masterpiece after masterpiece since almost 35 years. Other important bands are Versengold, Saltatio Mortis, Sabaton, Orden Ogan and Rise Against.
6. Favorite food and drink? Favorite food is the food I’m cooking, favorite drink is ice tea. If I’m not cooking i go with typical german Schnitzel and fries.
7. Favorite color? Blue (da ba dee da ba daa)
8. Favorite time of the year? The warm half of the year.
9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so, what are your favorite sports and teams? I’m not an esports fan nor support any esports teams. My favorite sport was Darts till I lost my passion for it. Sometimes teams at the soccer world cup get me, last time it was Belgium.
10. Do you have any pets? No, but my family has enough of them.
11. Place you would love to travel to? Since i didn’t travel that much so far, I’m curious for a lot of stuff. I prefer locations with a historical background duo to my high interest in history. But I also want to see places like Venice, New Zealand, USA, Paris and maybe London. Right now, my eyes are set on Belgium to explore places from the first world war.
12. Most inspiring historical figure? Witold Pilecki. A guy who is that crazy to infiltrate Auschwitz and even escapes has my utmost respect, if you don’t know the name, google it, you’ll be surprised.
13. Favorite games? Freelancer, Rocket League, Age of Empires 2 etc. Currently, my favorite game is Tribes of Midgard, super enjoyable game for a group of players. 14. Describe your playing style? Defensive style with a small portion of suicidal aggressiveness, every second a team player!
15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Didn’t play the game so far, but I’ll go for infantry, I guess. Even tho they keep running it into the ground.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for WhiteNoise
16. Aeronwen asking: If a crystal ball could tell you one truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? That’s a really good and difficult question. I personally think, i don’t want to know something about my future, I’m making it myself. But I’m highly interested in truths from the past, for example who shot JFK or where is the Amber Room. Now, that I thought about it, my question about myself would be: “What’s the big goal, the life vision I should follow?” That could make life a little easier, but I guess it’s about the journey, not the destination.
17. Darin wants to know Do you have a celebrity crush, and if so, who is it? I’m afraid i don’t have a celebrity crush, I simply don’t have the time to watch a lot of movies or series. Coming back to you when I’ll get one!
18. Deep question by Shinrog: What is love? Answer number one: Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. Answer number two: Pretty difficult to answer, since I so far didn’t experience it. I guess, it’s one of the strongest feelings a human can feel. A feeling that makes your day better, a feeling that gives you an incredible amount of energy and fulfills you to a certain degree. I can’t wait to experience it and I’m coming back to you once I find a proper answer to your question!
19. Krex is interested in What was your favorite childhood tv show? Can’t decide between Ducktales and Tom and Jerry, so i go with both. But I don’t want to forget all the other series that made my childhood way better and vanished from our TVs.
20. Gadric is curious How's your darts going? Well, like i said, i lost my passion for darts. Therefore, I’m leaving my teams to the end of the respective seasons next year. It’s been an absolute pleasure the past 2 years but without passion, it’s not that much enjoyable. One of my teams moved up to the highest league possible in the region, but they’ll compete without me. I found a new passion in playing the guitar and enjoy it way more, but considering a comeback, never say never!
Thanks to WhiteNoise for joining us in this week's blog.
Next week on our MMM blog we will have our NA member Shinrog!
Join us for his interview next Monday.
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