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Meet the Member Monday - XCALibuR_DiMeS

Writer's picture: ErminasErminas

Updated: Jan 7, 2020

Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.

We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Xcalibur 15 standard questions from our

Meet the Member blog questionnaire

and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.


Heeeey, my name is XCALibuR_DiMeS, AKA Tom, AKA Dicky Needles, AKA Chrome, Gnome Waffle, AKA DoF's Favourite Brit. I'm a British Man-Child and I like geyms. Um, I have been an alcoholic now for 23 years and I'm enjoying where it's taking me. I have crippling depression and I'm terrified of Mr. Blobby. I am a full-time professional driver and part-time Jigalow.

Favorite Quote/Line:

Hababa Bababa Badaba-ba Babidyba - ICH BIN SCHMETTERLING!

1. How and why did you join DoF? It was a warm summers evening and the sun had only just set over the horizon. A slight breeze brushed through the air, carrying sweet notes of rose and lavender. The young man had worked himself hard that day and was relaxing in the shade, under an apple tree. Today was really no different than those that had passed before, but things felt different. A dark presence hung over the man.

From the bushes, it rushed him. Fangs bared and tusks thrashing, it charged forwards with its head low. The creature barely made it a few feet however, before the armed men peppered its thick, hairy hide with ammunition from their rifles. They had been positioned there all day, using the young man as bait for the man-eating wereboar. The beast buckled and slid a few meters before resting in a crumpled mess in the middle of the lane, bullet casings flying in all directions. The stench was overwhelmingly strong and also somewhat arousing. Yes, you read that right. AROUSING. The young man inhaled heavily, enjoying the musky metallic scent and began stripping. He laid next to the corpse and... Oh, sorry, what was the question again?

Oh right. Uh, well Phoenix recruited me and it was because I had no friends. I'm not sure why... 2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Hmmm, that's a difficult one. I would say ONE of my favourites (spelt correctly in the Queen's English) would be when around 10-15 members were actively playing a game called ARK, a multiplayer open-world survival game, on a public server I had set up. It was so much fun! Other moments would include the impromptu scrims we would have in Warband, especially when they were inner clan scrims! 3. Favorite book? Dayum, dis a hard won boy, cuz I am a interlekt. I love Terry Pratchett. I love the Harry Potter series. I really, really love 'The Inheritance Cycle' by Christopher Paolini and I probably read that more than a dozen times when I was younger. I don't really make much time for books nowadays and I have a few on the go, including the first Game of Thrones book and 'Inside The Third Reich'. There is also a book that I keep with me at all times. A black book that documents and archives the way of my thoughts. A book that many criticize me for and a book that everyone should read at least once. 4. Favorite movies and tv shows? The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Fresh Meat, My Family... ugh, the list would just keep going... My absolute favourite films would be The Never Ending Story, Enemy at the Gate, The Great Escape, Patriot and Braveheart 5. Favorite music? Again, too many to list. I pretty much enjoy all genres as I appreciate music for its composition, rather than the style or artist. This ranges from the likes of Elvis Presley, The Gypsy Kings and The Earth, Wind and Fire to Slipknot, Rise Against and Within Temptation. 6. Favorite food and drink? Pretty much anything as long as it does not contain any health benefits and is likely to kill me if I consume it in more than moderate quantities, which I do. 7. Favorite color? Black. *OMG, Black isn't a colour, it's the absence of colour, WINGE WINGE WINGE. * I DON'T CARE. THAT'S MY ANSWER! 8. Favorite time of the year? My favourite time of the year is any bit where I get to sleep. 9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? No. 10. Do you have any pets? I have 9 dogs, about 14 cats, 3 pythons and a cobra, a micro-pig, a cow, another cow, a horse, a horse meat burger, an elephant, a monkey that rides the elephant, another monkey that rides the elephant, a hamster that rides the monkey that rides the elephant and my real pet, Patch, my doggo. 11. Place you would love to travel to? Iceland, Greenland, Canada and Russia. And the moon. 12. Most inspiring historical figure? My dad. You didn't specify that they had to be a famous historical figure... 13. Favorite games? Naked Twister, Naked Spin the Bottle, Strip Poker and Strip Scrabble. I was told off by Erminas because I didn't include any video games, so: GTA, Warband, ARK, 7 Days To Die and Escape From Tarkov to name a few. 14. Describe your playing style? So, I think the most controversial part of my playing style is that I don't cross my hands when playing. This can get a little confusing when learning new rhythms but it just means it takes a little longer. I tend to prefer simple rhythms with more complex fills and breaks. I've recently gotten rid of my acoustic set though, so I don't get to practice much anymore. 15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? Well the issue with that is that arthritis runs in my family and I feel there's a very real chance I will be crippled by my 60's and so, I likely wont be able to play the game when it's released.


And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Xcalibur


16. Darin wants to know What is best in life? Darin knows that I could answer this very truthfully but XCALibuR knows that Erminas would censor it, so I will say... the smell of fan-fresh grass. 17. Erminas asking: You grew up living abroad, so in your opinion

what are the good/bad traits or habits you have "picked up" from other nationality/nationalities you have been exposed to? Firstly, I'd say I'm rather tolerable of people from other countries and cultures, even if my jokey attitude would suggest otherwise. There was a lot of exposing when I lived in Spain and I was exposed to many, many things, most of which cannot be revealed here. I've still lived in my native country - wonderful, sunny and thoroughly UNITED Great Britain - for the majority of my life, so most of my bad habits have been squashed. Having said that, I find that I often think in Spanish without realizing and then when someone asks me a question in English, it takes me a few seconds to process what has been said because it's in a language I'm not prepared for. Weird, I know 18. WhiteNoise asking: Based on your interest for architecture, what's your favorite building of both past and present? Good question, Whitey!! My number 1 has to be La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, but I've yet to visit. I have visited Bagsværd Church in Norway which had always been a goal of mine. Other than that, I'm usually just interested in dark and Brutalist architecture that most people dislike as well as some amazing, unknown places that I've visited. They're always the best - the little secrets. 19. If you could return into past with the knowledge of the present days what time Era would you choose to live in and why? And would you use that knowledge for personal gain is what Erminas is curious about? Well, I think I would just go back a couple of decades, just because I want to see what the future holds in the world of technology and space exploration. I would certianly take advantage of any knowledge I could retain, for my own use - Investing in massive companies in their earliest days etc, etc. 20. Dear Xcalibur, waffles or pancakes asks Darin? Well Darin, I'm not a rebellious colonial so Crumpets.

Mysterious Bonus question by Gadric: Who's this Xcalibur and what did he do to the Chrome Gnome? The Chrome Gnome is my prisoner. Trade me one of Zwarte Piet's child slaves and a windmill and you can have it back.


Thanks to Xcal for joining us in this week's blog.

Next Monday we will have old time NA member being interviewed.

Is he otter? Is he tiger? Dunno, but he goes under name of Otttiger!

Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!


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