So first off, a bit of an explanation on the name change. Due to the current concerns over the Coronavirus, the tournament I was preparing for in May (Midwest Conquest), has been canceled for this year. Due to that, I'm changing the blog to simply be about Warhammer more generally. So with that out of the way, on to this weeks post!
This week I'll be continuing on with the progress of my army, focusing on the infantry that I'm trying to get finished, as well I'll also get into some of the general uses for said infantry. Here are some pictures of my completed infantry:

So, now that we've got the pictures out of the way, what exactly are all of my infantry supposed to do? Broadly speaking, their job is to hold the line! More specifically, they hopefully provide an overwhelming number of bodies.
One of the main aspects of Warhammer 40k is having "map control" (aka board control/table control), and lots of cheap infantry are ideal for this. My general strategy then, is to spread my infantry out, usually forming them into different "waves", and just aggressively advancing them up the board.
Here are some pictures to demonstrate:

Additionally, while my guys don't pack a lot of firepower individually, with the numbers I have (plus some buffs from my officers), they can put out a decent amount of damage. The damage they do is from weight of fire, so while each shot isn't very strong/effective, when you're unloading close to two hundred in a turn, you're going to be able to kill SOMETHING (dice willing of course).
Once again, some pictures to represent the basic principle:

Now the final thing that my infantry are good for, is being a defensive screen for the more important elements of the army, like officers, and of course tanks! Now in the list that I was preparing for the tournament, the only "tanks" I have are artillery vehicles, but the same strategy applies. Infantry block enemy units from getting to close to our precious artillery that will dish out most of the damage (unless I am fighting an army that has a lot of light infantry, in which case my own infantry will be able to deal with them decently themselves, see the weight of fire comment above).
And of course, some pictures to show the basic idea:

While my lowly guardsmen are cheap, squishy, and die in droves, they still fulfill a valuable role within my army, and are generally considered the best light infantry in the game. So always remember and pay respect to the lowly guardsmen!

Next week will be a first for the blog, I'm going to be posting a "After action report" This basically means I'll be posting about a battle that I played and giving a turn by turn analysis as well as break down my thought process on what I did etc.
Hope you guys enjoyed, be sure to come back next week for what will probably be a much longer read!