Welcome to our weekly blog about DoF members.
We hope that these blogs will entertain you as well as help you in getting to know our members and DoF better.

We asked Duncan 15 standard questions from our
Meet the Member blog questionnaire
and then we gave chance to our members to ask 5 specific questions.
Greetings and salutations! My name is Duncan, I'm 27 years old and I live in Belgium. I don't have a job at the moment but that doesn't stop me from doing the things I want to do. French Fries are Belgian and I will carve a path of destruction to tell you "yo, just so you know, French Fries are Belgian". I'm also the most serious of people.
Favorite Quote/Line: "The only right way to go is forward." - Duncan
1. How and why did you join DoF? It all began a decade ago when a young me found this rad game called Warband on a Youtube video. Young me was not smart because he decided to yarr harr (Editor: DoF does not at any point approve of yarr harring the games. Go on Duncan) the game. I then saw that there was a multiplayer option and I decided to nag at my mom to buy game. Unfortunately for DoF, she agreed to buy me Warband. It's been over 10 years now and these people STILL haven't banned me yet (what a hard world). 2. Favorite moment(s) in DoF? Hell, where to start? There was this DnD thing Darin started (he still does but he doesn't want some Elf throwing knives in some Dwarf's direction to muck up the fun), the tournaments of ages past, the fun times in TS, Me doing an impression of Mickey Mouse, ... There's a lot of fond memories here. 3. Favorite book? I have several. I really like Dune, Riftwar, some of the WH40K books, ASOIAF, ... 4. Favorite movies and tv shows? The Godfather, The Clone Wars, Any documentary about space, the world wars or nature. 5. Favorite music? You ever see some roadkill and think "Fuck that's metal"? No? Congratulations, you're a normal human being. It's Metal though. That and Angus and Julia Stone. Seriously, if you like some chill music, listen to them. 6. Favorite food and drink? As a Belgian, I'm lawfully obliged to say Fries and Beer under penalty of death. 7. Favorite color? Green! 8. Favorite time of the year? I've always had a soft spot for winter and fall. 9. Are you sport or esports fan and if so what are your favorite sports and teams? I'm not a sports fan but i do like the occasional football (or soccer for those who live on the wrong side of the earth). 10. Do you have any pets? I wish! I really want a cat. I want to stroke that cat. 11. Place you would love to travel to? America, Japan, Scotland, Ireland again, Scandinavia, Poland and many more. 12. Most inspiring historical figure? In all honesty, there are many. One quote that never fails to inspire me is from Marcus Aurelius “Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look". 13. Favorite games? Crusader Kings 2, Warband, Warhammer Total War, Fallout NV and 4, Skyrim 14. Describe your playing style? Wildly flailing around trying to contribute and not die. 15. What will be your main class in Bannerlord? I'll probably start out as an archer and die horribly and then I'll most likely change class and die horribly at that instead.
And now we will turn to the specific questions our members had for Duncan
16. How is the music/band stuff doing asks Erminas? Music is going well, people haven't complained about the bleeding ears yet so I guess I need to up my game (shameless self promotion: soundcloud.com/duncan-nonkel-crols-dehairs) . 17. Gadric asking: So Duncan, when is Flanders gonna be part of the Netherlands again? It'll happen when the Americans use the metric system as a standard. 18. Pokemon question by Kohath: What`s your favorite Pokémon, and why? Eevee, it's adorable and i want one for real becauseholyfuckthat'sonecutepokingaman. 19. Shinrog would like to know What games do you play with friends casually and are they all the same genre or all different? The internet at home isn't the best but I wanna play with you people more (just hit me up). Got me some Rocket League and Warband and I'll probably end up buying more so I can annoy all of you. 20. Erminas is wondering If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? I'd go for repairing (computers, cellphones, anything really) because you can never go wrong with that.
Bonus question by Cream: What statistic would you most want to know about yourself? How many people have I brought positivity to in times they really needed it. Because it's a nice thing and it'd make me smile.
Thanks to Duncan aka AmazingTuna for joining us in this week's edition of MMM blog.
Next week, we will have one of our most loved members Bubs joining us! And no this is not copy paste error or some deja-vu it is just us publishing his blog next week cuz we didn't do so last Monday:p
Thank you for reading this week's blog and we hope you enjoyed it!
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In addition to this be sure to check our new series of blogs made by Darin. Topic is miniature war game, Warhammer 40k! They are posted on Wednesdays, but you can read the first edition of his intro blog right here (click me).